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Weitere InformationenWorking in the entertainment industry means that you are running short of time, all the time. Zoho Invoice lets you automate your invoicing and thereby save valuable time. You can choose from an extensive gallery of invoice templates and customize every bit of information on them.
You can send out estimates to clients to set the right expectations. You can add your terms & conditions to it as well, so that your clients can know what to expect. What's more, you can convert an estimate into an invoice in a single click.
Estimates in Zoho Invoice
You put in the hard yards to provide services to your clients so you should be paid on time. Zoho Invoice ensures this by sending out payment reminders based on pre-set conditions, to customers automatically.
Ensure that you get paid faster by providing your customers with multiple payment options. Zoho Invoice lets you collect payment through various online avenues like credit cards, payment through the 10+ supported gateways, and offline methods like cash and checks. Clients can also pay through their mobile phones.
Learn more about receiving payments
There might be a lot of operating and overhead expenses on media and advertising while working on projects. You can track all of them in Zoho Invoice and also invoice the billable ones to your customers.
More about expenses in Zoho Invoice
When you sign up for Zoho Invoice, you join a strong ecosystem that supports more than 30 million users worldwide. Zoho Invoice is tightly integrated with other Zoho apps like Zoho CRM, Zoho Projects, Zoho Analytics and Zoho People.
Check out all our integrations