Target, engage, convert: Campaign ideas for travel businesses

  • Last Updated : July 17, 2024
  • 9 Min Read
Email campaign ideas for travel industry

It's a dreary morning at the office, and your mind is drifting away from your tasks. Suddenly, a new email pops up with the subject line, "Thailand's best kept secrets: Ready to explore?" You open it, expecting to enjoy a brief daydream, but what you find is so much more.

The email greets you with a serene image of crystal-clear waters and golden sands. It promises a rejuvenating escape with a beachfront villa, daily spa treatments, and a sunset cruise. The imagery is so vivid, you can almost hear the waves crashing and feel the warm sun on your skin.

This isn't just a momentary distraction; it's an invitation to adventure. In the travel and tourism industry, email marketing holds the power to transport recipients to exotic destinations and entice them with stunning visuals and irresistible offers. The power of email marketing also lies in its ability to reach travelers directly and personally.

Let your emails be the catalyst that transports travelers to these exotic places and lures them into booking flights and embarking on journeys.

In this blog, we'll share creative and effective email campaign ideas tailored specifically for the travel and tourism industry so you can capture your audience's imagination and wanderlust.

But before we discuss campaign ideas, it's worth noting that effective email marketing begins with understanding your audience. Creating traveler personas enables you to target your messages more accurately, which in turn makes your job much easier and your campaigns more successful.

Traveler personas for email marketing

The solo adventurer

Profile: Typically travels alone, seeks unique, off-the-beaten-path experiences, and prefers flexibility and spontaneity.

Email campaign ideas:

  • Highlight lesser-known destinations with insider tips.
  • Offer deals on adventure activities like hiking, diving, or cultural tours.
  • Share blogs or videos from other solo travelers to inspire and build a community.

The family vacationer

Profile: Travels with family, values convenience, safety, and family-friendly activities, and prefers well-organized itineraries.

Email campaign ideas:

  • Special discounts for family bookings, kid-friendly accommodations, and activities.
  • Guides on traveling with children, packing lists, and family-friendly destinations.
  • Pre-planned itineraries that cater to all family members, from toddlers to grandparents.

The luxury traveler

Profile: Seeks high-end, luxurious experiences, prefers premium services, exclusive access, and personalized experiences, and is willing to spend more for quality and convenience.

Email campaign ideas:

  • Promotions on luxury resorts, first-class flights, and exclusive tours.
  • Tailored suggestions with exclusive offers based on past preferences and behaviors.
  • Highlight perks such as private transfers, concierge services, and exclusive access to events.

The budget traveler

Profile: Travels on a tight budget, seeks high value-for-money deals and cost-saving tips, and prefers budget accommodations and affordable activities.

Email campaign ideas:

  • Flash sales, last-minute deals, and budget-friendly travel packages.
  • Guides on traveling on a budget, cheap eats, and free attractions.
  • Points or discounts for frequent bookings and referrals.

The business traveler

Profile: Frequently travels for work, values efficiency, convenience, and comfort, and prefers seamless travel arrangements and business-friendly amenities.

Email campaign ideas:

  • Special rates for business travelers and corporate accounts.
  • Highlight business centers, Wi-Fi availability, and meeting spaces.
  • Rewards for frequent travel and perks like upgrades or lounge access.

The cultural enthusiast

Profile: Seeks immersive cultural experiences, is interested in history, art, and local traditions, and enjoys guided tours, museum visits, and cultural festivals.

Email campaign ideas:

  • Highlight guided tours, museum passes, and cultural events.
  • Promote cooking classes, artisan workshops, and cultural festivals.
  • Share blogs, videos, and newsletters on cultural insights and historical facts.

General email campaign ideas for the travel industry

Now let's explore some creative email campaign ideas that can cater to these diverse traveler personas:

Seasonal travel deals

Send out emails that align perfectly with the changing seasons. The objective here is to promote seasonal destinations and travel packages and ensure your offers are always timely and relevant. Consider sending these emails quarterly, packed each time with season-specific travel deals and highlighted destinations perfect for that time of year. Including tips for seasonal travel, like what to pack for a winter getaway or the best summer activities in a tropical paradise, can be very helpful.

Destination spotlight

Each month, you might take your subscribers on a journey to a new destination. The goal is to educate them about different locations and provide detailed guides on attractions, culture, and cuisine. Make your content more engaging and informative by sending these emails monthly, featuring exclusive travel deals for the spotlighted destination, and sharing customer testimonials or stories from travelers who have experienced these places.

Personalized trip recommendations

Tailoring your travel suggestions based on user behavior can make your emails feel like a personalized travel concierge service. Trigger these emails based on specific activities, such as when a user browses without booking. Including personalized destination recommendations, custom package deals, and gentle reminders of unfinished bookings ensures your subscribers receive relevant content that's related to their interests and encourages bookings.

Loyalty program updates

Keep your loyal customers engaged by enhancing your loyalty program communications. Send monthly emails to update members on new benefits and how to use them, alongside exclusive offers for loyalty members. Share success stories of other members to build a sense of community and highlight the perks of staying loyal to your brand.

Solo travel inspiration

Solo travelers are always looking for new adventures, and your emails can be their guide. Every two months, try sending emails designed to inspire solo travelers with info on the best destinations for solo travel, safety tips, and special offers tailored for them. Include solo travel guides and first-person stories from other solo adventurers to create connections and inspire confidence.

Family vacation package promotion

Families often plan their vacations around school holidays, so timing is crucial. Seasonal emails may promote family-friendly travel packages or highlight destinations with activities that cater to all ages. Provide practical tips for traveling with children and offer special discounts for family bookings to make the planning process smoother.

Last-minute travel deals

Sometimes the best trips are the spontaneous ones. Try pushing last-minute deals to inspire quick bookings as soon as deals arise. Create urgency with countdown timers and easy booking links to make it irresistible for your subscribers to seize the opportunity for an impromptu getaway.

Travel blog roundup

Leverage your blog content to drive traffic and enhance your brand's authority effectively. A monthly email could feature a roundup of recent blog posts, including a featured post of the month and invitations to engage with your content on social platforms. This keeps your subscribers informed and positions your brand as a knowledgeable resource in the travel industry.

Exclusive offers for email subscribers

Rewarding your subscribers with deals they can't find anywhere else can enhance loyalty. Occasionally—perhaps quarterly—you can send emails with exclusive offers, early access to new packages, and special promotional codes. This makes your subscribers feel valued and encourages them to stay subscribed.

Special occasion travel guide

Promoting travel as the perfect gift for special occasions can be a great strategy. Align these annual emails with major gift-giving seasons, offer gift card options, romantic getaways for anniversaries or Valentine's Day, and birthday trip ideas to highlight the joy of giving experiences rather than things. Doing so positions your travel packages as memorable gifts.

Tips for effective travel email marketing

Share engaging content and attractive offers

Email marketing is a fantastic tool for attracting new customers and keeping your existing audience engaged. Use engaging content and exclusive offers to capture their attention and make them feel special. Think about offering early access to deals, exclusive discounts, or even insider travel tips that they can't find anywhere else.

Send a welcome email to new subscribers with a special discount code for their first booking. Follow up with personalized recommendations based on their initial browsing history. 

Position your brand as a trusted resource

Position your brand as a trusted resource by sharing valuable information. This could include the latest travel deals, emerging travel trends, essential safety tips, and updates on popular destinations. By providing relevant and timely content, you'll keep your audience informed and engaged.

Create a monthly newsletter that includes top travel destinations for the season, safety protocols for travel during a pandemic, and any travel restrictions or updates that travelers need to know. 

Promote social media engagement  

Encourage your email subscribers to connect with your brand on social media. This not only helps create a cohesive marketing strategy but also increases your brand's visibility and engagement across multiple platforms. Use your emails to promote your social media pages and encourage followers to share their travel experiences with your brand.

Include social media buttons in your emails and run contests or campaigns where customers can share their travel photos using a branded hashtag to win discounts or freebies. 

Collect and utilize customer data  

Personalization is key to successful email marketing. Use data collected from your customers to tailor your emails to their preferences and behavior. This makes your emails more relevant and increases the likelihood of engagement.

Segment your email list based on past bookings, preferences, or behaviors. Send personalized emails that recommend destinations similar to places they've traveled before or offer special deals on their favorite types of vacations. 

Answer FAQs and showcase expertise  

Address common travel concerns and questions in your emails to demonstrate your knowledge and reliability. This can include information on booking policies, travel insurance, packing tips, and destination-specific advice. Providing this valuable information helps build trust with your audience.

Send an email series titled "Travel Tips & Tricks" where each email answers a frequently asked question, such as "What are the must-haves for a long flight?" or "How to choose the best travel insurance." 

Drive traffic to your website  

Use your email campaigns to guide customers to your website for more information and booking options. Your emails should include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage recipients to visit your site to learn more, book a trip, or explore your offerings.

Include a CTA button in your email that says "Book now" or "Learn more" to direct recipients to specific landing pages on your website that match your email content. 

Encourage spontaneous travel  

Sometimes, travelers need a little nudge to plan their next adventure. Inspire potential travelers with enticing offers, even if they weren't initially planning a trip. Highlight last-minute deals, flash sales, or limited-time offers to create a sense of urgency and encourage spontaneous travel.

Send a "Weekend Getaway Alert" email featuring last-minute deals for weekend trips, including enticing images and compelling descriptions to inspire recipients to take a spontaneous trip. 

Case Study: Orient Travels' success with Zoho Campaigns

Orient Travels, a leading travel agency, used Zoho Campaigns to revamp their email marketing strategy. Faced with the challenge of enhancing customer engagement and driving more bookings, they turned to Zoho Campaigns for a solution.

Video case study:

Key strategies and outcomes

Personalized campaigns: By segmenting their audience based on travel preferences, Orient Travels was able to send personalized travel deals and recommendations. This approach led to a 30% increase in email open rates.

Automated workflows: Implementing automated email workflows for different customer journeys (e.g., post-booking confirmations, pre-travel tips, and post-travel feedback) helped maintain consistent communication and improved customer satisfaction.

Interactive content: Incorporating interactive elements like polls and surveys within their emails engaged customers and provided valuable insights into their preferences.

Because of these strategies, Orient Travels saw a significant boost in customer engagement and a noticeable increase in bookings. This case study highlights how targeted and well-executed email campaigns can lead to impressive outcomes in the travel industry.


Email marketing in the travel industry is incredibly effective, boasting a 40% open rate and a 1.98% click-through rate. It offers unparalleled opportunities to engage with potential and existing customers. By understanding your audience and crafting personalized, timely, and valuable email campaigns, you can significantly enhance your travel business's reach and impact.

And Zoho Campaigns offers the perfect platform to leverage this potential. With powerful tools and analytics, Zoho Campaigns helps you craft stunning emails and set up automated workflows that help drive bookings and build customer loyalty. Sign up today.

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