Zoho Mail Integration

You can keep track of all the email conversations you’ve had with your customers by integrating your Zoho Mail with Zoho Subscriptions. On enabling the integration, you will be able to:

Integrating your Zoho mail account with Zoho Subscriptions


Note: Users should individually enable this integration to view the email conversations with their customers directly on Zoho Subscriptions.


Once you’ve enabled the integration, you can view all the emails sent from that account to your customer.

Other users in the organization will not be able to view the email conversations between you and your customer. Users who have not enabled the integration will not be able to view their email conversations with their customers.


Adding mails as comments

To make the email conversations visible to all the users in the organization, you can add the emails to the ‘comments and history’ section. By doing so, all the users can see all the mail activity carried out between you and your customer. To add any mail activity to your customers’ comments:

You can now view all the email content in your customers’ comments section.

adding-mails-as-comments comments-and-history-tab

Disabling the integration

To disable the Zoho Mail integration:

Disabling the integration disabling-the-integration

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