App Spotlight: ClickUp AppiWorks for Zoho CRM

App Spotlight: ClickUp AppiWorks for Zoho CRM

Constant toggling between applications to check different sets of customer data can be a hassle for customer-facing teams. When all customer information is available on their CRM solution, sales teams can focus on priority tasks, personalize customer interactions, and increase conversions. Integrating your CRM with a productivity application like ClickUp Appiworks can streamline bidirectional data transfer and lead to more efficient sales outcomes.

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Business needs   

Businesses need efficient project management and collaboration tools to streamline sales and support operations, synchronize customer data in real-time, and foster collaborative workflows between multiple applications.


The ClickUp Appiworks extension for Zoho CRM solves this challenge and offers multiple features that can streamline data transfer for smooth sales operations.

  • Automate Data Export: Automatically export data to ClickUp upon creation or editing within Zoho CRM.

  • Bulk Data Export: Perform on-demand bulk data exports from Zoho CRM to ClickUp.

  • Record Preview: Preview records before importing to ensure accuracy.

  • Scheduled Imports: Support scheduled and incremental imports to keep data up-to-date automatically.

  • Contextual Data Viewing: View ClickUp data within Zoho CRM modules through a customized widget.


  • Bulk Operations: Supports bulk export, import, and data viewing directly within Zoho CRM.

  • Progress Tracking: Provides clear visual progress and status messages for each operation.

Streamline data transfer and access customer records and data from ClickUp Appiworks in real time, right from your CRM module. 

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