The Washington Post & Telegraph on Zoho

Telegraph, UK has come up with 'The 101 most useful websites', ranging from Technology to Travel. And Zoho is listed high up at Number 5! Telegraph describes Zoho as,

A suite of free business programs. From word processing and presentation software to tools for taking notes in meetings, planning projects and creating databases.

And 'The Washington Post' carries today PCWorld Erik Larkin's article on the recently released Zoho Invoice. From the article, 'Zoho Adds Invoicing to its Online Suite'

If you run your own business, you no doubt have the same love/hate relationship with invoices that I do. Love them, because they put money in your pocket. Hate them, because they can be a pain in the derriere.

Zoho's brand-new Invoice service tries to salve some of that pain with an online system for creating, sending and tracking invoices. After spending some time with it just now, I can see it being a decided improvement over my current spreadsheet and Word doc collection.

It's not hard to create and send invoices, especially when you don't send that many of them each month, and frankly my manual spreadsheet-and-doc system suffices there. But Zoho's system makes for easy tracking as well, with available reports on all your paid and pending invoices for today, as well as this week, month, quarter and year. You can also check on sales by customer, invoices by date, tax reports and other records.

Some other nice features such as an optional link to pay an invoice with a Paypal link to your account, exporting invoices as a pdf, and options for creating recurring invoices mean that I'll be spending more time with this new service to see if it suits my needs.

Thanks to Telegraph and Erik Larkin, PC World & The Washington Post!


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