Integration between Zoho Apps

Apart from rolling out new applications and improving the existing ones, one of the focus for Zoho is integration between applications. In this post, I want to highlight some of my favorite integrations we have already done between Zoho Apps.

Zoho Sheet integration into Zoho CRM

Database based applications like Zoho CRM are primarily form based which make them not-so-easy for simultaneous editing. Lets take a simple example of editing multiple contacts. In form based apps like CRM, you have to open individual contact, edit them and save them. On the other hand, a spreadsheet interface provides a very easy way to edit content. By integration Zoho Sheet into Zoho CRM, we have married the power of relational database back-end with the ease of editing the content in a spreadsheet.

The in Zoho CRM lets you edit multiple contacts in a spreadsheet view and save them to the relational database in Zoho CRM. This certainly is an interesting and unique integration for Zoho.

Zoho Writer & Sheet integration in Zoho Projects

Maintaining all the documents related to your project in your project management application is a no-brainer. If you also have the ability to create documents inside your project management app, it is an added bonus. Zoho Writer & Sheet integration into Zoho Projects lets you create documents under the documents section in Zoho Projects.

Zoho Meeting & Chat integration in Zoho Show

One of the unique and powerful features of Zoho Show is the ability to do Remote Presentations where you can make a slide show virtually with multiple attendees from different locations and everyone is on the same page (slide). But then, what if you want to chat with all the attendees? We have Zoho Chat integrated for this reason. What if you had to share your desktop to all the attendees? Well, we have integrated Zoho Meeting as well for this purpose. With this combination, the Remote capabilities in Zoho Show makes it a free web conferencing solution.


Zoho Creator integration in Zoho People

Recently released HR Management application Zoho People is all about customization as each business has its own way of doing things. For this reason Zoho Creator has been adopted for customization of all forms in Zoho People.

Zoho Projects integration into Zoho Invoice

Our recently released Zoho Invoice lets you create invoices for the time you spent on your projects managed from Zoho Projects.


Zoho Writer, Sheet & Show integration into Zoho Notebook

Zoho Notebook is a content creation and aggregation tool. To help you aggregate different type of content (including documents), we have integrated Zoho Writer, Sheet & Show documents inside your Notebook pages. You can create a Writer Page or a Sheet page in Notebook where one page in notebook can act as a word processor or a spreadsheet. You can also add Writer, Sheet & Show documents to your Notebook pages.

Zoho Writer, Sheet & Show Integration into Zoho Wiki

Similar to the Notebook integration, it makes perfect sense for your content to exist at a single place like Wiki. We have integrated Zoho Writer, Sheet & Show into Zoho Wiki.

You may not be aware that Zoho Wiki is infact built on top of Zoho Writer. This means our Wiki inherits most of the capabilities of our word processor.


Zoho Chat integration with Writer, Sheet, Show, Notebook, Meeting etc

Zoho Chat is the common bus that runs across many Zoho Apps enabling collaborative editing in applications like Writer, Sheet, Notebook etc. It lets you chat with other users while collaborating on a document/spreadsheet/Notebook. In fact, as long as you are logged into Zoho, Chat lets you communicate with others users no matter which Zoho Apps you are on. Currently Zoho Chat is integrated into Zoho Writer, Sheet, Show, Notebook & Meeting.


There are other similar integrations, but you get the idea. You’ll probably notice a theme here. Productivity applications can be integrated with other productivity apps to make them more useful (last three integrations). Also, productivity apps can also be integrated with Business Apps to create unique and useful workflows (first five integrations). Going forward, you’ll see us rolling out more interesting integrations. The marriage between productivity apps and business apps is inevitable.

Would you like to see any specific integration in Zoho? We’d love to hear your feedback.


19 Replies to Integration between Zoho Apps

  1. It would be nice for the Tasks in the CRM to be able to sync up with the tasks from the Zoho Projects so there are not two separate task areas.

  2. It would be nice for the Tasks in the CRM to be able to sync up with the tasks from the Zoho Projects so there are not two separate task areas.

  3. Zoho Creator and Zoho CRM. I just created a consultation form to use for new leads and potential clients. it would be great if the information i put in the creator form can merge into CRM (like the contact info and maybe some additional fields). Now I'm trying to figure out how to really get the most out of Zoho.

  4. Zoho Creator and Zoho CRM. I just created a consultation form to use for new leads and potential clients. it would be great if the information i put in the creator form can merge into CRM (like the contact info and maybe some additional fields). Now I'm trying to figure out how to really get the most out of Zoho.

  5. @JPThanks for the comments.You can use your contacts maintained Zoho CRM while raising invoices using Zoho Invoice. You can find more details about this integration at are also working on the other points that you have mentioned and will keep you updated.Regards
    Team Zoho

  6. @JPThanks for the comments.You can use your contacts maintained Zoho CRM while raising invoices using Zoho Invoice. You can find more details about this integration at are also working on the other points that you have mentioned and will keep you updated.Regards
    Team Zoho

  7. Great work! Not sure I can see the Zoho Sheet View in CRM?Here are some ideas:What about integrating contacts with CRM and Invoice. Having the option of sharing contacts with the CRM lead/account/contact database and reusing the accounts in the Invoice tool?What about having a cockpit/dashboard where you can access all the tools, including CRM, Invoice, People, Contacts, email? I see you've tried to do something of the sort with Zoho Business, but missing some key apps perhaps? Is there a specific reason for that?What about integrating Google Apps with Zoho? For example using ZOHO Crm and contacts from Google Apps/or Google Mail. Even with Plaxo or LinkedIn?

  8. Great work! Not sure I can see the Zoho Sheet View in CRM?Here are some ideas:What about integrating contacts with CRM and Invoice. Having the option of sharing contacts with the CRM lead/account/contact database and reusing the accounts in the Invoice tool?What about having a cockpit/dashboard where you can access all the tools, including CRM, Invoice, People, Contacts, email? I see you've tried to do something of the sort with Zoho Business, but missing some key apps perhaps? Is there a specific reason for that?What about integrating Google Apps with Zoho? For example using ZOHO Crm and contacts from Google Apps/or Google Mail. Even with Plaxo or LinkedIn?

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