Admin guide

This section helps you navigate through Apptics on the account level. You can understand how to manage portals and projects created by you in Apptics and also learn how to update user roles and privileges and provide role-based access to portal members using Apptics.

Super admin: Super admin is the individual who creates a Portal in Apptics. They are the portal owner and can manage the portals they have created. They can add, edit, and delete portals they own. 

Portal members: Portal members are members of the organization which uses Apptics, while a portal is an entity that represents the organization. Once you create a portal, you can invite users to the portal, create projects (apps across multiple platforms), and provide role-based access to the members.


Refer to our guide to start your journey in Apptics by creating an account and a portal and inviting users to the portal.

Managing portals

Once you create a new portal or become a member of an existing portal, you will see a list of all the portals you can access with your role for each portal. 

  • Navigate to the right menu by clicking on the profile. 

  • Click Manage Portals and you will be able to see a list of all the portals (you are part of).
  • Click on the menu to mark a portal as a default portal, edit the portal name, or delete it. 

  • When you choose a portal as default, you will be directed to the same portal whenever you access Apptics. To be able to access other portals, you need to navigate to ProfileManage Portals
Note: Only the portal super admin can edit the portal name or delete a portal in Apptics. 

Change timezone

As a super admin you can change the portal's timezone as per your convenience.

  • Go to Profile>Manage portals.
  • Click on menu mark and click Edit. A pop-up will appear on the screen with the portal name & the current timezone.
  • Click on the drop-down under timezone and select your preferred timezone.
  • Click Save.

There will be a slight difference in the data available in your Apptics console after the timezone has been edited.

Timezone changeData change in console
Timezone falls on the same dateNo change in data
New timezone is ahead of old timezone

The calendar in the console will change to today. Data change

based on the current timezone will reflect in the console within 15 mins

New timezone is behind the old timezone

Today in the calendar will be changed. Data change based on the

current timezone will reflect in the console within 15 mins

Note: Whenever you do a timezone change, expect a slight increase or decrease in the data points shown in the console.

Roles and privileges

Super Admin: Super admin is the portal owner. A super admin can add portal members and add/delete or edit the portal, and assign other admins and roles within the portal in Apptics.

Portal Admin: A portal admin can assign roles and privileges to other members in the portal. They can manage and make changes in the portal for their account.

Note: There can be only one Super Admin for an account, but there can be more than one portal admin for each portal.

Project Manager: An individual who creates the project in Apptics. A project manager can add project members in various roles, configure group email notifications, edit the project name, and delete the project. The Project ownership can be transferred to someone else from the Portal settings given that they are Portal members.

Super admin, portal admin, and project manager are the default roles.

There are other configurable roles in Apptics. Only a portal admin can configure, enable, or disable these roles in a portal.

  • Development Lead and Developers
  • Design Lead and Designers
  • Marketing Lead and Marketers
  • Testing Lead and Testers
  • Followers
  • Clients
Note: The roles of developers, development leads, designers, and designer leads are based on the app brand, i.e. Apple, Google, and Microsoft.

Portal admin privileges 

A portal admin can perform all the actions apart from deleting the portal and the portal members.

Project Manager






Portal Members
Portal Settings (Roles & Privileges)
Managing project
Managing Portals
Add an application
Add Application from Quickstart
Project Info
All other actions from Quickstart
Group Email Notifications
Application IDs
Crash and Non-fatal
DSYM and Proguard Mapping files
API Tracking
Event Tracking
In-app Feedback
In-app Updates
In-app Ratings
Remote Configuration
Cross Promotion
Store Reviews

Development lead and developers 

(*The privileges access are listed here in general. It will vary for each portal/project according to the roles and privileges assigned by the portal admin.)






Portal Members
Portal Settings (Roles & Privileges)
Managing project
Managing Portals
Add an application
Add Application from Quickstart
Project Info
Group Email Notifications
Application IDs
Crash and Non-fatal*
DSYM and Proguard* Mapping files
API Tracking*
Event Tracking*
In-app Feedback*
In-app Updates*
In-app Ratings*
Remote Configuration*
Cross Promotion*
Store Reviews*

Marketing lead and marketers

(*The privileges access are listed here in general. It will vary for each portal/project according to the roles and privileges assigned by the portal admin.)






Portal Members
Portal Settings (Roles & Privileges)
Managing project
Managing Portals
Add an application
Add Application from Quickstart
Project Info
Group Email Notifications
Application IDs
Crash and Non-fatal*
DSYM and Proguard* Mapping files
API Tracking*
Event Tracking*
In-app Feedback*
In-app Updates*
In-app Ratings*
Remote Configuration*
Cross Promotion*
Store Reviews*

Testers, Clients, and Followers

The privileges for the Tester, Client, and Follower roles will vary for each portal/project. These will be defined according to the roles and privileges assigned by the portal admin.

Note: The portal admin, project manager, development lead, and developers can access and view the Audit logs. No one can edit, change, or delete anything from the Audit logs.

Portal settings

The doorway into the Apptics console is to be a part of a portal. In order to access the Apptics console, you need to create a portal and invite users to the portal. Once you invite users to a Portal, you can add them to individual projects created in the portal and assign the roles in Portal Settings. After creating a portal, it is always recommended to configure your Portal settings first, to manage it efficiently.

Portal Settings allows you to organize roles and privileges, configure role-based access for the portal, and add the other family apps to cross-promote within your app.

Note: You can configure roles and privileges to portal members as portal admin or configure roles on the project level as a project manager from portal settings.

Updating roles and privileges

  • Navigate to the right menu and click on the profile. 
  • Click on Portal Settings and the below screen will appear.

Managing portal users

You can invite new users, edit their roles, or remove users from the portal.

Updating user roles

Click on Roles to select the roles you want to include in the portal apart from the default roles (Super admin, Portal admin, and Project Manager), and click update to save the configured roles. 

Manage module privileges

The Privileges section allows you to determine who can perform view, configure, add, edit, and delete actions for each feature module in the portal.

  • Choose the privilege group for which you want to set permissions for each feature module. For example, let us say you choose Google for the privilege group, you can set permissions only for the roles you have assigned under the Google ecosystem.
  • Click on Manage roles to add or remove roles from the privilege group you have selected and update the changes. (Only the roles that you have most recently updated will be visible for the chosen privilege group.)
  • Click save to update the set permissions for each feature module. 

Adding Apps for cross-promotion

From the Apps section, you can add the other applications that you want to cross-promote within your app. This means that these apps will be listed under the 'Apps that you may like' and 'More apps from us' sections in your app's UI.

  • Select the store and platform in which the app will be available.
  • Provide further details such as the application ID, the app name, the URL for the app's logo, and a short app description.
  • Click on Add and the app will be available in a list of apps that you want to cross-promote. 


Deleting a portal or the associated projects is a role-based action. Once a portal or a project is deleted, data collection is stopped immediately and all the associated data is permanently removed as per our terms of use. This is followed by an email to all the members notifying them about the portal or project deletion.

Delete a portal

Only the Super admin (the one who created the portal) can delete the portal by following the below steps.

  • Navigate to Profile > Manage Portals.
  • Click on the menu button near the portal that you want to delete.

  • A list of options will appear, click Delete and you will see a confirmation pop-up.

  • Click Yes, delete and the portal will be deleted permanently.
Note:  If your portal is deleted by mistake, you can contact within 180 days to retrieve the deleted portal.

Delete a Project

Only the super admin, portal admins, or the project manager can delete a project following the below steps:

  • Navigate to Project Settings > Project Info.

  • Click on Delete Project and a confirmation pop-up will appear.


  • Accept the terms and conditions of deleting a Project, click Yes, delete it permanently and the project will be deleted permanently.
Note:  If a project is deleted by mistake, you can contact to restore the deleted project within 180 days, as long as the associated portal is still active.