
Employer Details for SIF File Generation in Zoho Payroll

A SIF file, or Salary Information File, is a mandatory part of payroll processing in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is a digital file that contains information about the salaries and other details of employees. Employers are required to submit a SIF file to the Wages Protection System (WPS) on a monthly basis.

The WPS is a system that ensures that employees are paid their salaries on time and in full. The SIF file is an important part of the WPS because it provides the Central Bank of UAE with the information it needs to monitor and enforce compliance.

In Zoho Payroll, you can generate SIF files once you process pay runs. However, as a pre-requisite to generate SIF files, you will have to provide the employer details required by Zoho Payroll to generate SIF files.

Providing Employer Details

Here’s how you can provide the employer details required to generate SIF files:

  • Click Settings on the left sidebar and Employer Details.
  • Enter the following details.
Field Description
Establishment ID The establishment ID in UAE for SIF file generation is the 13-digit Employer Unique ID issued by the Ministry of Labour.
Employer Bank Code This code is used to identify the employer’s bank and to ensure that salaries are paid to the correct account.
Employer Reference A unique identifier that will be displayed in the SIF file of your employees.
  • Click Save.
Employer Details

Your SIF files will be available for download once you process the pay runs.

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