Work Locations
A work location is the place where you run your organisation. If your business has offices in different locations, it is important that you add all your work locations in Zoho Payroll. These work locations have their own regulations for payroll and gratuity calculations.
Note: If some of your employees work from home, you must add their home address as a separate work location.
Add Work Locations
To add a work location,
- Navigate to Settings on the left sidebar and select Work Locations.
- click Add Work Location.

- Enter the Work Location Name and Address.
- If your business is located in a free zone, select Mark business jurisdiction as Free zone.
- Select the free zone location.
- Click Save.
You can now assign this work location while creating a new employee.

You can delete or edit a work location by clicking the Delete and Edit icons respectively.
Note: You can only delete a work location if it hasn’t been assigned to any of your employees. Also, you cannot delete the work location, which is your default address.
Warning: Once you have associated employees with a work location, you will not be able to edit it. However, if the work location has been synced from Zoho People, you will be able to edit the work location to add free zone-related details.