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Get access token

Request for an access token from our authorization server. You will need to mention which scopes you need permission for. We will display the required permissions to the user. If the user grants permission, an access token will be sent to the redirect URL, which is valid for 1 hour.


CopiedGET	 	{accounts-server-url}/oauth/v2/auth 

Note: The accounts-server-url is specific to the location (i.e., datacenter) where your app is registered.  

Query parameters



The unique ID of your application. You can find this in the API console.



Should be sent with the value token.



The URI to which the authorization server will redirect the browser back with the access token. It has to be the same URI that is provided when registering the app in the API console. Should start with http:// or https://. 

For example:



The corresponding scope for the resource you want to access from the user's account. The scopes will be displayed to the user when asking for consent.

For example: ZohoCRM.settings.READ

Request example


Response parameters

After authenticating the user, we will display to the user what are all the permissions your app is requesting. Once the user grants permission, the access token will be sent to the redirect_uri

access_tokenA token that your app needs to access the resources (as defined by the requested scopes). This token is valid for 1 hour.
api_domainThe domain to which your app needs to make API requests, for accessing the protected resources.
locationIndicates the data center (DC) location of the user (i.e., where their account is stored).
expires_inIndicates the time (in seconds) in which the access token expires. The lifetime of an access token is 1 hour (3600 seconds).

Response example


Error codes

  • User rejected the request for access.
Invalid Client
  • The value of the parameter client_id is not valid. 
  • The value of the parameter response_type is incorrect. It must be token
Invalid response type
  • The parameter client_id is missing.
  • The parameter response_type is missing.
Invalid OAuth Scope
  • The parameter scope is either missing or the entered scope doesn't exist.
Invalid Redirect URI
  • The parameter redirect_uri is either missing or the entered URI doesn't match with the one configured in the API console.
An error occurred/400 bad request
  • The value of the parameter response_type is invalid. It must be token.
400 bad request
  • The HTTP method used is incorrect. It must be GET.