A collaborative writing tool that keeps teams on the same page

Engage in contextual discussions within a document, eliminating complicated email threads and group chats. With Writer, it's easy for teams to collaborate online.

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A place for everything.
Everything in its place.

Writer organizes suggestions and edits so well, it'll quickly become your team's go-to tool for collaborative writing and editing.

Nobody knows everything. Everybody knows something.

Control who can see what, and what they can change. Writer's privacy settings allow for secure and controlled co-authoring, so teams can confidently write together online.

Spot. Talk. 

Quickly identify where your collaborators are in a document and start a conversation from within Writer.

"As a writer and editor, I have used many word processing apps. Zoho Writer is by far my favourite of them all. I work predominantly with authors on their full-length books. It is so easy to import their entire book.The ability to view comments as resolved or unresolved, and view with changes tracked or changes accepted makes it so easy to switch from a current view to one that is needed most at the time."

Rusti L Lehay

Word Quest Editor and Writer

Rusti L

The Zoho advantage

Writer is just one of 40 apps in the ever-expanding Zoho ecosystem. Each solution is designed to help you run your entire business in the cloud. Tight app integration means you can quickly go from working together in Zoho Projects to browsing a team knowledge base on Zoho Connect.

Start Writing

The Zoho advantage