

The Compensation module in the Employee Portal provides a comprehensive view of your earnings, benefits, and paid time off details.

This page helps you verify your pay rate, understand your benefits contributions, and review your time off policies.

Compensation Module in Zoho Payroll’s Employee Portal

Salary and Wages

This section shows your salary-based compensation details. It ensures transparency around how much you earn on a regular basis, making it easy for you to keep track of your income.


In this section, you’ll find a breakdown of contributions toward benefits, such as 401(k).
This is divided into:

  • Employee Contribution: Your portion of the contribution towards the benefit.
  • Employer Contribution: The portion contributed by your organization.

This overview allows you to see how both you and your employer are investing in your future.

The Paid Time Off section provides an overview of your leave policies, including Sick Leave and Vacation Leave. Each policy is outlined with specific details, ensuring clarity around your entitlements and balances.

Sick Leave Policy

Earning MethodHow and when sick leave hours are allocated
AddThe number of hours added to your sick leave balance
Maximum BalanceThe maximum number of hours you can accumulate in sick leave.
Current BalanceYour current sick leave balance.

Vacation Leave Policy

Earning MethodHow and when vacation leave hours are allocated
AddThe number of hours added to your vacation leave balance
Maximum BalanceThe maximum number of hours you can accumulate in vacation leave.
Current BalanceYour current vacation leave balance.
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