Related Lists

The Related Lists feature allows you to fetch data from third-party services and view them within Zoho Inventory. This comes in handy when you want to cross-reference data from different entities.

Related lists can be created for the following modules in Zoho Inventory: Customers and Vendors, Items, Sales Orders, Invoices, Credit Notes, Purchase Orders, and Bills.

Note: This feature is available only for selective pricing plans.

There are two ways to create a related list:

By creating a lookup custom field 

The lookup custom field allows you to pull data from one module and access it inside another module in Zoho Inventory. When you create a lookup field in one module, its associated details will be available as a related list in the other module.  

Scenario: Patricia wants to track the efficiency of users in her organization. So, she decides to track the sales orders they create for customers. For this, she creates a Lookup custom field in the Sales Orders module and for the module whose data she wants to access (in this case, Users).

Learn more about the lookup custom field.

By writing a deluge script

With deluge scripts, you can connect Zoho Inventory with other third-party services to access their data.

Scenario: Consider a firm that uses Zoho Inventory for their order management needs and Zoho Desk to address their customer queries. Now, the admin writes and executes a deluge script to fetch the customer happiness rating from Zoho Desk and show the consolidated data in a tabular form under each customer in Zoho Inventory.

To create a related list using deluge:

Pro Tip: Learn how you can link third-party services with Zoho Inventory using Connections.

New related list
Sample code

This will be the deluge code written in Zoho Inventory used to access customer details in Zoho Desk.

searchMap = Map();
searchMap.put('fullName', customer.get("contact_name"));
searchMap.put('orgId', XXXXX); //Zoho desk orgId

searchList = invokeurl
  url : ""
  type : GET
  parameters: searchMap
  connection: "zohodesk"

contacts = searchList.get('data').toList();
contact = contacts.get('0');
contactId = contact.get('id');

paramsMap = Map();
paramsMap.put('orgId', XXXXX);

contactInfo = invokeurl
  url : "" + contactId
  type : GET
  parameters: paramsMap
  connection: "zohodesk"

owner = contactInfo.get('owner');
happiness = contactInfo.get('customerHappiness');

headerData = List();
headerData.add({"key":"owner_name", "value":"Owner Name"});
headerData.add({"key":"good_percent", "value":"Good Percentage"});
headerData.add({"key":"bad_percent", "value":"Bad Percentage"});
headerData.add({"key":"desk_url", "value":"Desk Url"});

details = Map();
details.put("owner_name", owner.get('firstName') + owner.get('lastName'));
details.put("good_percent", happiness.get('goodPercentage'));
details.put("bad_percent", happiness.get('badPercentage'));
details.put("desk_url", {"value":contact.get('lastName'), "isExternal":true, "link":contactInfo.get('webUrl')});

listData = List();

resultMap = Map();
resultMap.put("header_context", headerData);
resultMap.put("data", listData);
return resultMap;

The result will be displayed in a tabular form within the respective modules for which you’ve created a related list.

New related list


 header_context: [
   key: 'customer_name',
   value: 'Customer Name'
   key: 'invoice_number',
   value: 'Invoice Number
 data: [
   customer_name: <customer_name>,
   invoice_number: <invoice_number>

There are two ways to specify the value of the data node:

  1. To display a customer name as a string:

customer_name: <customer_name>
  1. To display a customer name as a hyperlink:

customer_name: {
 "value": <customer_name>,
 "isExternal":true, // To open the link in separate tab.
 "link": <web_url_path>

Edit Related List

To edit a related list:

Delete related list

Delete Related List

To delete a related list:

Delete related list