How do I merge duplicate expenses?

If you find that an expense has been duplicated, you can merge it with its parent expense.

Prerequisite: You cannot merge Submitted, Approved, and Reimbursed expenses.

Warning: Once you merge two expenses, you cannot undo it.

To merge:

  1. Go to Expenses on the left sidebar.
  2. Mark the expenses you want to merge (only two).
  3. Click the More icon on the top of the page.
  4. Select Merge.
  5. In the pop-up that follows, hover over the expense you want to select as the master expense and click Select. If youโ€™re merging an expense created from a credit card feed and a manually recorded expense, the expense from the credit card feed should be marked as the master expense.
  6. All the missing information (description, location, reference number, report information) from the master expense will be fetched from the child expense.
  7. Click Continue. Upon merging, both the expenses will be automatically deleted and a new expense will be created.
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