When do you need to file Form 1099?

Depending on the type of income being reported, different versions of Form 1099 have different due dates for filing with the IRS and providing a copy to the recipient. Here’s a table with the due dates for Form-1099 NEC and 1099-MISC:

Form Type Due Date of Recipient Due Date for IRS
1099-MISC By 31 January By 28 February (Paper)/ 31 March (Electronic)
1099-NEC By 31 January By 31 January

In general, you must provide Form 1099 to the recipient by 31 January and file it with the IRS by the specified deadline. If the due dates fall on a weekend or federal holiday, the deadline shifts to the next business day. Make sure to file on time to avoid penalties and stay compliant with tax regulations.

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