Basic Functions - Branches

Let’s take a look at how you can set up your branches in Zoho Books.

Enable Branches

To get started with Branches in Zoho Books, you will have to enable it first. To do so:

Enable Branches

Insight: Only the admins of the organisation can enable this feature in Zoho Books.

You will receive an in-app notification when the Branches feature has been enabled. The current organisation will be considered as the Head Office or Primary Branch.

Warning: Once you enable Branches, you will not be able to disable it in Zoho Books. However, you can delete the branch or mark it inactive.

Create Branch

Once you’ve enabled the feature, here’s how you can create a new branch:

Add Branch New Branch

Configure Transaction Series

Some organisations might want to set a different transaction series for each branch. Let’s say, you want the invoice numbers to be BR1 INV - 001 for a branch and BR2 INV - 001 for another, you can configure them.

To create a new transaction series:

Transaction Series Transaction Series Transaction Series

You can also configure the default series and associate them with multiple branches as well.

Insight: The transaction series will be selected automatically based on the branch chosen in the transaction.

User Permissions

Only the Admin of an organisation has the permission to enable branches in Zoho Books. Also, only they can create branches and access them as well. If you would like to extend these permissions to other users in your organisation, here’s what you’ll have to do:

Branch Permissions

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