Zoho Subscriptions is now Zoho Billing — An end-to-end solution for complex billing requirements. Explore Zoho Billing

Our Journey in 2022

The past year has been one of growth for Zoho Subscriptions, and we could not have done it without your trust and support. Here's a recap of all the major features and enhancements that were rolled out.


Key Updates

We introduced updates that helped with compliance and added flexibility to managing your subscription business.

Key Updates New Modules New Settings Customer Portal

Advanced search for customers and payments

Perform advanced searches for payments based on specific criteria such as Total Amount, and Payment Method.

Secondary language fields (Saudi Arabia)

To help you comply with ZATCA's e-invoicing guidelines, we've added secondary language support for customer and organization information, which can be displayed in transaction PDFs.

Legal name and trade name support (India)

You can add the legal name and trade name for your organization and customers with GST-registered tax treatments.

Unbilled charges when editing subscriptions

When making changes to a subscription, you can choose to add the changes as unbilled charges instead of invoicing them immediately.

Read-only and hidden fields

Configure hosted payment page fields as read-only to make certain information uneditable, or mark them as hidden to pass parameters to Zoho Subscripitons discretely.

Customer-level consolidation preferences

Previously an organization-wide configuration, consolidated billing can now be configured at the customer level as well for added flexibility.

Edit payments and credit notes

The new Payments and Credit Notes modules lets you edit existing payments and credit notes respectively.

Payment links for ad hoc payments

Request and accept one-time payments from customers by sending them payment links. These payments can be for miscellaneous reasons that need not be related to any subscriptions.

Price lists module

Create customized price lists for different scenarios and customers from the Price Lists module. Associate a price list to a customer to prefill the price details when creating subscriptions for that customer.

Hosted payment page templates

Create different templates and choose multiple languages for each template. This will enable customers to select their preferred language from the hosted payment page.

ePHI custom fields

Custom fields can be marked as ePHI (electronic protected health information), which will be stored with encryption. These fields can be viewed only by users who have permission to view them.

Prorate flat discount coupons

Prorate coupons with a flat discount amount to scale the discount amount according to the number of days of a subscription.

Billing months for calendar billing (early access)

Configure Billing Months, in addition to the existing Billing Days for Calendar Billing, to fine tune exactly when you want to bill your customers.

Sign up

You can provide your customers and their contacts with the ability to sign up to the Customer Portal by themselves via signup links that will be displayed while making invoice payments or in the portal sign-in page.

Bulk payments

Your customers can select multiple invoices and pay for them in one go.

Change or remove payment methods

Your customers can remove or switch between their saved payment methods for a particular subscription.

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New and enhanced reports for a new year

We updated most reports with a slicker, more customizable UI, along with features to share, schedule, and mark reports as favorites. We also added a bunch of new reports.

Revenue Reports Subscription Reports


Glean insights into your monthly recurring revenue quicker using the new breakdown table and cohort chart. The new MRR report displays tax exclusive data and includes weekly subscriptions as well.

Enhanced MRR


The MRR Quick Ratio is the ratio between your MRR and MRR lost. Use this report to get a quick glimpse of how your business is performing.

MRR Quick Ratio


Track the annual recurring revenue, i.e., the total revenue the subscriptions will earn in a year for each month.

Annual Recurring Revenue

Subscription LTV

Track the total revenue that a subscription is projected to generate over its lifetime and the number of days that it's active.

Churned Subscription

Revenue Churn EARLY ACCESS

Track the percentage of revenue lost from the start of the reporting period.

Revenue Churn

Sales by Customer

Track the total sales of your business for each customer.

Sales By Customer

Net Customers

Identify the total number of new active customers in the selected reporting period.

Net Customers

Trial To Live Conversions

View all the trial subscriptions that were moved to the "Live" status during the selected reporting period.

Trial To Live Conversions

Inactive Trials

View a list of inactive trials, i.e., trial subscriptions that were either cancelled or expired within the selected reporting period.

Inactive Trials

Active Trials

View active trials within the selected reporting period.

Active Trials

Upgrade & Downgrade Details

Track when subscriptions were upgraded or downgraded. These reports also show useful information like the previous amount of the subscription before it was upgraded or downgraded.

Upgrade & Downgrade Details

Average Sale Cycle Length

Track the average number of days that it takes to receive the first payment after a subscription's trial period started.

Average Sale Cycle

Tip: If you're updating your product prices for the new year, then you can use a custom function to update all of your customers' subscriptions in one go.

Write to us at support@zohosubscriptions.com to try our early access reports.

You can view the full list of features and enhancements from 2022 on our
What's New timeline

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Zoho Subscriptions automate subscription billing

Refining Zoho Subscriptions is a constant endeavour for us so we can provide you with the best subscription billing experience.
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