- Text & Cell StylesSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Font family
- Font size
- Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough
- Rich text inside a cell
- Cell, Text Color
- Superscript/Subscript
- Vertical and Horizontal alignment
- Wrap text
- Text overflow
- Merge
- Indent
- Orientation
- Borders
- Hyperlinks
- Page break(Page break is supported as a print option)
Excel files, fully compatible
Experience seamless import of your excel files with Zoho Sheet. Our platform is compatible with excel file formats like .xls, .xlsx, .csv, and other variants. All your data, including spreadsheet elements like charts, pivot tables, formulas, and formats, remains intact. More than just the Excel file compatibility, Zoho Sheet offers advanced features for collaboration and data analysis, AI-powered insights, allowing you to switch confidently.
- Number formatsSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- General
- Number
- Accounting
- Currency
- Date
- Text
- Time
- Percentage
- Fraction
- Scientific
- Regional
- Custom
- Conditional formattingSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Classic
- 2-Color scale
- 3-Color scale
- Icon set
- Data bar
- TableSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Table
- SparklineSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Sparkline
- ThemesSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Themes
- RowSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Height
- Hide/ Unhide
- Auto fit
- ColumnSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Width
- Hide/ Unhide
- Auto fit
- Grouping/UngroupingSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Rows/Columns
- ChartSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Stacked Column
- 100% Stacked Column
- Stacked Bar
- 100% Stacked Bar
- Line
- Stacked Line
- 100% Stacked Line
- Scatter
- Pie
- Histogram
- Pareto
- Box
- Combination
- Area
- Hierarchical
- Radar
- Waterfall
- Funnel
- Word Cloud
- Maps
- Chart propertiesSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Title
- Axis
- Legend
- Gridlines
- Trendlines
- Styles
- Labels
- PivotSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Pivot table
- Pivot chart
- Slicer
- Timeline
- Power Pivot
- FilterSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Auto filter
- Filter by colour
- Filter by equals
- Filter by does not equal
- Filter by contains
- Filter by does not contain
- Filter by matches
- Filter by doesn't match
- Advanced filter
- IllustrationSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Images/Pictures
- Emojis
- Shapes / Drawings
- Text Box
- Smart / Word Art
- Equation
- Object
- Form controlsSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Checkbox
- Button
- Picklist
- Print SettingsSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Print Area
- Orientation
- Margins
- Scale
- Header / Footer
- FunctionsSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Auto sum
- Financial
- Logical
- Text
- Date & Time
- LOOKUP & Reference
- Statistical
- Math & Trigonometry
- Engineering
- Information
- Named ranges
- Reference across spreadsheetsCan be achieved via =IMPORTRANGE() and custom functions
- Custom functionsSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Custom functions
- External dataSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- External data source connections
- Power Query
- Data analysisSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Data Validation
- ViewSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Freeze row/columns
- Worksheet Zoom
- ReviewSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Workbook Statistics
- NotesSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Cell Notes
- CommentsSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Cell comments
- ProtectionSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- Protect CellThe cell will be protected but the password will not be carried forward
- Protect SheetThe sheet will be protected but the password will not be carried forward
- AutomationSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- VBA Macro
- Solver
- File formatsSupportedPartially supportedNot supported
- .xls
- .xlsx
- .xlsm
- .xlt
- .csv / .tsv
- .txt
- .ods