Automating customer ticket creation, routing, and resolution with Zoho RPA

Customer ticket management

Efficient ticket handling is crucial for maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. While ticket automation tools are helpful, incorporating RPA into customer service offers different advantages.

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The role of RPA in customer ticket automation

Ticket automation tools are designed specifically for managing and automating ticket-related processes like ticket creation, categorization, and escalation. However, they can't handle tasks outside of this domain.

RPA tools are designed to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks across a wide range of business processes—they aren't limited to just ticket management. RPA can interact with multiple applications by mimicking human actions, such as clicking, typing, and navigating user interfaces. It can handle tasks like data entry, data migration, report generation, and process coordination. For instance, it can follow a process that includes retrieving data from an email, entering it into a database, and generating a report.

RPA can easily scale to handle large volumes of tickets, whether it's during peak times or when there's a sudden influx of requests. This helps maintain performance without the need to constantly adjust staffing levels.

Key differences between ticket automation tools and RPA software

Here's a high-level overview of how ticket automation tools and RPA tools differ in terms of their focus, capabilities, and applications.


Ticket automation tools

RPA tools


Ticket automation toolsDesigned for predefined workflows related to ticket creation, categorization, routing, and resolution

RPA toolsDesigned to work across multiple systems and applications with minimal manual intervention


Ticket automation toolsTypically integrates with CRM and helpdesk platforms for ticket management

RPA toolsIntegrates with diverse systems, including web, legacy, and desktop applications—even ones without APIs

Scope of implementation

Ticket automation toolsSpecific to ticket management and support workflows

RPA toolsBroad, covering multiple departments and business processes


Ticket automation toolsCustomizable within the context of ticket management workflows

RPA toolsHighly customizable for a wide range of processes and interactions across systems

How Zoho RPA can help automate customer ticket handling

Let's explore RPA's impact on streamlining ticket management and enhancing overall service quality:


Without Zoho RPA

With Zoho RPA

Ticket creation

Without Zoho RPAWhen there are multiple systems involved, support agents manually enter tickets from different channels into the system. This can be time-consuming.

With Zoho RPARPA bots extract customer queries from various sources, such as email, chat, and social media, and inputs it into the ticketing system or CRM.

Customer interaction management

Without Zoho RPAAgents draft and send responses to common queries manually, which can be laborious and may result in inconsistent or delayed responses.

With Zoho RPARPA generates and sends predefined responses to common queries and issues, providing immediate assistance and freeing up agents for more complex tasks. Bots can also execute follow-up actions, such as sending reminder emails or scheduling calls, based on predefined rules.


Without Zoho RPAAgents manually review and escalate tickets when necessary, which can sometimes result in delays and potential neglect of urgent issues.

With Zoho RPARPA bots automatically escalate tickets based on predefined criteria, such as high priority or unresolved status beyond a certain timeframe. This ensures that critical issues receive prompt attention.

Integration with other systems

Without Zoho RPAIf the organization is using other software, like desktop apps and ERPs without APIs, data might have to be manually transferred, leading to data silos and inefficiencies.

With Zoho RPAZoho RPA can integrate with various tools and systems used beyond ticket handling and CRM. This integration enables seamless data flow and process automation across different applications.

Error management

Without Zoho RPAManual handling increases the risk of errors due to human oversight or fatigue, affecting the accuracy and efficiency of ticket management.

With Zoho RPARPA bots ensure that each step in the ticket handling process is completed in the correct order and according to predefined rules. This reduces the risk of missed steps or errors.

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Frequently asked questions

  • What is Zoho RPA?

    Zoho RPA is a cutting-edge solution that automates manual, tedious, and repetitive tasks to streamline processes and operations. By connecting a vast array of modern and legacy applications, it's designed to redefine how you approach automation.

  • What are the benefits of Zoho RPA?

    Strategic automation: Let bots handle manual, repetitive tasks, allowing your team to focus on other, more important initiatives.

    Seamless integration: Connect with a vast array of 850+ modern and legacy applications.

    Scalability: Grow your automation capabilities in line with your business needs.

  • What are the key features of Zoho RPA?

    • Web automation
    • Windows automation
    • Excel automation
    • Files & Folders automation
    • API cloud services integration
    • Deluge custom functions
    • Powerful Windows and web-based recorder
  • What primary target processes are suitable for RPA automation?

    Zoho RPA can automate four types of primary target processes:

    • Manual
    • Repetitive
    • Rule-based
    • Processes with low-exception-rate