Regression testing and its types

Regression testing in Agile refers to the process of checking if the addition of a new functionality or recent bug fix has affected the existing functionality of the product. This testing is done multiple times in succession. Though time-consuming, it's important to run regression tests as often as possible.


Unit regression testing

Unit regression acts as a precursor to other regression tests. Individual components of the codebase are tested without their dependencies and integrations.


Corrective regression testing

The focus here is on testing functionalities using existing test cases—even when there are no changes to the current codebase—to check if everything functions perfectly.


Progressive regression testing

When modifications are made to the product specification, it's imperative to check whether existing features remain unaffected in the new version.


Partial regression testing

In spite of the extensive testing of individual modules, their addition to the codebase needs to be checked for any new bugs or errors. This is also referred to as selective regression testing.


Complete regression testing

With complete regression testing, or retest all regression testing, the entire application is tested as a whole after major changes are made to the codebase. A combination of reusing old test cases and running new ones is essential for identifying any major bugs that might have been missed by the previous regression tests.

Benefits of regression testing

  • Early identification of bugs, as opposed to end-to-end testing
  • Immediate feedback every time changes are made to the codebase
  • Optimal test coverage when performed multiple times in succession

Challenges of regression testing

  • Time-consuming, since the testing often involves multiple functionalities
  • Increase in the complexity of test cases as features get added to the software
  • Due to dependencies, fixing a bug based on the results can create more bugs

Automated regression testing with Zoho QEngine

Faster test case creation and the ease of automation in Zoho QEngine empowers QA teams to efficiently perform all types of regression tests within each sprint of an agile project.

Zoho QEngine for regression testing

Zoho QEngine executes regression tests efficiently, to alleviate any challenges associated with them. Its sophisticated yet user-friendly UI aids in effortless navigation and in-depth analysis of multiple testing projects. Insighful reports on test case executions facilitates effective collaboration within both the QA and development teams.

Exhaustive test cases can be designed easily with the help of the no-code recorder, low-code builder, and manual editor in Zoho QEngine. Test plans comprising multiple regression suites—a collection of test cases for executing various types of regression tests—can be easily automated with Zoho QEngine and scheduled to run at regular intervals, without intervention or interruption.

Zoho QEngine for regression testing

Steps to perform regression testing with Zoho QEngine


Create a test suite(s) to perform various types of regression testing by arranging the test cases according to the priority of the tests to be performed. Select the required test cases from the already-available test case modules or create new test cases easily using the no-code recorder, low-code builder, or manual editor.

Once the test cases are selected and arranged, select the execution type—parallel or sequence—for each regression suite. Choose the pre-condition and post-condition to be executed before and after the test suite.

Create a test plan(s) by selecting multiple regression suites, starting with the preferred agent—local or cloud—for executing the test cases. Follow up by choosing the environment variables for running on specific environments.

The next step is to schedule the automation for the test suites, either weekly or once, at a set time. The test plan can also be programmed to run again, in case of failure.

The final step is to analyze the results of the test case executions and share them with the development team to work on fixes. Zoho QEngine's results dashboard provides a detailed analysis of the individual test case executions within the regression suite.

Frequently asked questions

1. Can regression testing be skipped altogether?

Regression testing is generally considered a requirement for testing projects, owing to the catastrophic nature of the bugs that can be uncovered. Certain types of bugs are revealed only after individual components are integrated into the software.

2. How can a QA team make regression tests faster?

Updating the test cases in the regression suite according to the priority, availability, and impact of the functionalities, followed by automating the testing schedule, can greatly improve the speed at which testing is carried out. Performing complete regression testing only after conducting regression tests for individual functionalities can further contribute to saving time.

3. What are the differences between regression testing and functional testing?

Functional testing ensures that all the functionalities of the software are working as expected when compared to the requirements, whereas regression testing focuses on ensuring that changes and additions to the codebase do not affect the functioning of the software.