HR Newsletter

August, 2023

What's New?

On the roadmap

  • Option to customize shift reminders
  • Include ratings in emails sent using mail merge templates
  • New enhancement to allow/warn/restrict when employees try to submit overlapping time logs

New from the Knowledge Hive

Check out our latest articles to gain insights on best HR practices and strategies!

Feature of the Month

Did you know? With the eNPS surveys in Zoho People, you can create short and impactful surveys to gauge the engagement and satisfaction levels of your employees.

Learn more


HR tip of the month

Wondering how to improve your training programs? Here are five training reports you should start tracking:

  • Create a culture of trust and respect
  • Facilitate peer-to-peer feedback
  • Conduct team-building activities regularly
  • Encourage team and interdepartmental projects
  • Have clear policies in place to address in-office conflicts

Making work fun

Every year, August 31st is celebrated as Eat Outside Day. Take this as an opportunity to arrange for a brief outdoor team-building activity for your employees. You can also organize an outdoor potluck, encouraging each one of your employees to bring a dish of their choice.

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