What's new in Zoho People?: August 2021

  • Last Updated : August 23, 2023
  • 3 Min Read
Zoho People product updates - August 2021

August has been a productive month at Zoho People. Our team has come up with some exciting features that can simplify HR operations while providing an exceptional work experience for your employees. Here are some of the prominent features we introduced in Zoho People during August 2021:

  • On duty functionality in Attendance

Some of your employees may be working from your client's location or have to visit a worksite that's different from your office. During times like these, it's important to track your employee's attendance to pay them accurately and make sure their leave balance is not affected. That's why we introduced On Duty, a new feature under Zoho People's attendance management system. With this new feature, employees who are on duty can be marked present without any inefficiencies. Employees can apply for on duty well ahead of time, in case they are not able to mark attendance during their on-duty period. Approvals can be set up to review and approve/reject on-duty requests. Learn how to configure the On Duty feature in Zoho People. 

  • A new set of course reports in LMS

Last May, we introduced course reports under our Learning Management System  (LMS) to help course administrators, learners, and tutors get a better insight into the different aspects of the courses they take part in. To make this feature more extensive and useful, we introduced a new set of course reports. With the new reports, course administrators and trainers can:

  • Track the number of employees who enroll in a course each month

  • Understand how each learner is progressing in their course

  • See overall course performance

  • See how different courses perform

Learn more about the new course reports in Zoho People's LMS. 

  • Approvals for cancellation requests

There are instances where employees need to cancel the requests that they previously. raised  For instance, Employee A requests time off/leave for a family vacation. However, it gets canceled because of some unavoidable circumstances. In such a case, they would want to cancel their leave/time off request. With our new Approvals for Cancellation feature, you can now set up approvals to approve or reject an employee's request to cancel a previously raised approval request. In the above case, if the approval for cancellation feature is enabled for the time off/leave request form, Employee A can request to cancel the previously raised time off/leave request and the leave approver can approve/reject the cancellation request. Learn more about the feature here. 

  • Option to capture locations under Timesheets

Timesheets play a huge role in helping managers better track time spent behind different projects by their teammates and raise accurate invoices for their customers. With our latest enhancement, managers and administrators can track the location from which the time was logged by their employees. The accuracy of the location depends on the accuracy returned by the browser. Learn more about this feature. 

  • Allow employees to request leave for upcoming years

The leave management system in Zoho People is intuitive and can be customized to meet every organization's unique leave policies, based on the region from which they operate. It makes it easy for employees to raise leave requests, track their leave balances, know the upcoming public holidays, monitor their leave request's status, and more. The new enhancement to our leave management system allows administrators to define the specific number of calendar years up to which planned leave requests from employees can be allowed. Learn more about the feature here. 

Wrapping up

Each one of our features has been designed to ease HR operations for your employees and your team. We hope you enjoy using these features as much as we enjoyed developing them. Give these features a try and let us know what you think about them in the comments section below!

Got queries? Email us at support@zohocorp.com

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  • tarika

    Content Specialist at Zoho People

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