Truly remote.
Anywhere and everywhere.

Looking to add a remote document editor to your web app? Try Office Integrator, a truly remote editing application that helps you create, access, and edit your documents without any storage dependency.

Truly remote. Anywhere and everywhere
Truly remote. Anywhere and everywhere

Manage your
documents efficiency

Use our editors to open and perfect your documents.With a diversified set of features, you can format your sales contracts,visually represent purchase numbers with charts and tables, add an appendix to your security policies, and more.

Manage your documents efficiently
Manage your documents efficiently
Manage your documents efficiently

Import and export in any format

Start working on your files instantly without any hassle. Simply upload your files in any format to work on them seamlessly. Office Integrator supports popular formats, such as .docx, .xlsx, .ppt, and many more popular formats. When you're finished working, export and store your document in any format.

Import and export in any format
Data privacy and security

Data privacy and security

Data privacy is a crucial part of any application. We don't own your data. When you access a document with Office Integrator, it is retrieved from your storage location. When you close it, the data is sent to your storage location and automatically deleted from our servers. Based on your needs, you can specify how long the data needs to be kept in our servers.