7 Best Practices for your Amazon FBA Business

Guide4 mins read | Posted on May 13, 2024 | By Mira Natarajan

Partnering with Amazon FBA offers businesses a huge opportunity to sell their products to a wider range of potential customers. It’s important to know how to use this fulfillment service efficiently in order to get the most out of it. However, knowing where to begin can be overwhelming when you are just starting out as a new business owner. That’s why in this guide, we will be discussing the best practices that you can follow when selling on FBA.


Look at your competition

One of the first major decisions that business owners make is choosing what product to sell. Some may have a product in mind while others may still be looking for ideas. If you fall into the latter category, a great way to get started is to look at best-selling products on Amazon for inspiration. Looking through these products will give you a general idea about what sells well and what doesn’t. Make a list of products that interest you, and then do some research on each product to get information like average monthly sales, pricing, stock, top keywords, etc. This will help you narrow down your list even further. AMZScout and Unicorn Smasher are tools that are specifically designed to help Amazon sellers with their product research.


Start slow

Often times, businesses are under the false impression that selling more means selling better. While this could be true in some cases, it comes with a lot of risks. That’s why it’s advised that you start by selling just a few products to establish and stabilize your business, and then expand once you’re comfortable. This applies to businesses that are brand new as well as businesses that have experience selling on other platforms but are new to Amazon.


Create a unique brand

On the one hand, selling on Amazon provides your business with more potential customers. But on the other hand, there are more competitors. In order for your business to stand out, it’s essential that you construct your own unique brand or label and actively work on making it popular. To do this, you would have to understand your target audience, sell what they’re looking for, create offers that beat your competitors, and constantly update yourself to stay in tune with current trends. Additionally, it would help if you had your own unique packaging that identifies products as yours.


Write a detailed description

Customers usually don’t want surprises when they receive an online order. They want to know everything there is to know about your product before purchasing it. So make sure to always write a detailed product description for every product on the site. Remember, the more relevant information you include, the better chance there is for your products to sell. When customers receive their orders and see that the items match their descriptions, they will be more inclined to trust your brand and order from you again.


Use SEO techniques

Since several businesses from all parts of the world use Amazon to sell their products, sellers face a great deal of competition and can have trouble gaining visibility in the market. Creating a unique brand is one way to distinguish yourself. Another way is to adopt proper Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. This improves the probability that your product will be listed when customers search online.

  • Write clear and crisp product titles and descriptions that convey exactly what you’re selling within a few short lines. Use bullet points and font styles to draw a customer’s eye to the most relevant information. 

  • Amazon lists products according to their ranking the same way Google displays websites. Research what keywords customers type in when searching for the products you sell, and include them in your product descriptions, feature lists, and titles.


Include high-quality pictures

A great description is only part of the equation. It’s equally important for potential customers to be able to see what you have to offer through, since they can’t see it in person. Add high-quality images that display product features in different angles and positions. If your product is a machine, take pictures both when it’s in use and while stationary. As a rule, Amazon mandates that photographs be taken against a white background and show only the product itself, meaning no additional person, text, or item can be in the picture.


Ask for product reviews

Urge your customers to leave honest reviews of the products that they’ve purchased from you. Positive reviews will push others to buy your product, and negative reviews will show you what you need to work on. In a survey conducted by Statista, 17% of Amazon shoppers from the United States said that they completely trust reviews on Amazon while 20.8% said they only trusted reviews from Verified Purchasers.

Amazon FBA gives businesses a chance to display their products to a world-wide audience, which increases the chance of making sales. It takes care of almost every part of fulfillment, like receiving orders, delivering items, and even handling customer queries. This allows you to focus on other core areas of your business. While the FBA program does pose a few drawbacks, they can all be overcome with these best practices.

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