
How can I generate a Profit and Loss report based on reporting tags?

To generate a Profit and Loss report reporting tag wise, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to the Reports module on the left side bar.
  • Select Profit & Loss under Business Overview.
  • Navigate to the Compare With section and click the drop-down against it.
  • Click the drop-down near Compare Based on Period/Year and choose Compare based on Reporting tags.
Compare Based on Reporting Tags
  • Click Run Report.

Note: Profit and loss report also supports Branchwise, Projectwise, and Month/Year wise customization as well.

If you wish to generate a Profit and Loss report for a particular reporting tag or specific reporting tag options:

  • In the Profit and Loss report, click More Filters.
  • Select the required reporting tag from the Select a field. Specify is in as the comparator and choose the desired reporting tag options.
  • Click Run Report.

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