What is QRMP Scheme?

CBIC has introduced the QRMP scheme, that is, the Quarterly Return Monthly Payment scheme for small businesses whose aggregate turnover is less than ₹5 crores. The scheme is designed to reduce the frequency of return filing burden to quarterly while making the tax payments every month.

Who is eligible for the QRMP scheme?

A GST registered business who is required to furnish GSTR-3B and whose aggregate turnover in the preceding financial year (PAN wise) is less than ₹5 crores.

From when is QRMP scheme applicable?

QRMP scheme is effective from 1 January 2021 and businesses can enable them in the GST portal and in Zoho Books.

When can I opt for the QRMP scheme?

A registered business can avail the QRMP scheme for any quarter of the year (refer table below). Once the scheme is enabled, it will continue to be enabled until the registered business opts out or their aggregate turnover exceeds ₹5 crores.

Quarters Period to enable QRMP scheme
April – June 1 February 2021 to 30 April 2021
July – September 1 May 2021 to 31 July 2021
October - December 1 August 2021 to 31 October 2021
January - March 1 November 2021 to 31 January 2022

What happens if I don’t opt for the QRMP scheme?

If you are a registered business with annual aggregate turnover upto ₹5 crores and have furnished the GSTR-3B for October 2020 by 30 November 2020, you will be migrated to the QRMP scheme by default. Here’s how the migration will take place:

Aggregate Turnover Default Option
Up to 1.5 crore rupees & furnished FORM GSTR-1 on monthly basis in the current FY Monthly Return
Up to 1.5 crore rupees & furnished FORM GSTR-1 on quarterly basis in the current FY Quarterly Return
More than 1.5 crore rupees and up to 5 crore rupees in the preceding FY Quarterly Return

If you are a registered business and have not filed your return for the October 2020 on or before 30 November 2020, the QRMP scheme will not be enabled by default. You will be able to opt for the scheme once you file the GSTR-3B as due on the date of enabling the scheme.

How do I enable the QRMP scheme in Zoho Books?

Before you can enable it in Zoho Books, ensure that QRMP scheme is enabled in your GST portal. Also, once you enable, remember that the GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B will generated on a quarterly basis from the next quarter.

To enable QRMP scheme in Zoho Books:

  • Go to Settings > Taxes > GSTIN > Online Filing Settings.
  • Mark the Enable the Quarterly Return Filing and Monthly Payment of Taxes (QRMP) scheme for my business option.
  • Click Save.
  • Read the information in the pop up and click Enable & Save.

Payment Types  

Now, the QRMP scheme will be enabled for the respective GSTIN in Zoho Books and your GSTR-3B returns will be generated quarterly.

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