Organization Profile
In this section, you can enter basic information of your organization such as address, contact information, etc. This information is automatically fetched when you create estimates and invoices.
Organization Profile
To set up your organization profile, click on the gear icon present on the top right corner of the page and select Organization Profile.
In the Organization Profile page, you will come across the following fields:
Company Logo: The logo you upload here will be reflected in all your documents such as estimates, invoices, etc. You can simply click on ‘upload your logo’ button, select the image file and upload it.
Prefered Size: 240px*240px with 72 DPI.
Maximum File Size: 1 MB. -
Organization Name: You can edit your organization name entered during quick setup, in this field.
Portal URL: You can configure settings related to the Customer Portal, by clicking on Change Portal Settings. You will be able to change the portal name, enter a banner message, enable email notification of every customer portal activity and allow customers to forward documents from the portal.
Industry: Select the industry type your business falls under.
Company Address: Provide a detailed postal address along with other contact details such as phone number, website etc. You can add an additional address to receive payments.
Remittance Address: You can enable this option, to receive payments etc. on a separate address other than the company address you have provided above.
- Primary Contact: Change or edit the primary contact’s name and email address entered during quick set-up. If you wish to have multiple email addresses for an organization, click on Configure Emails and select +Add Additional Contact. Enter the Name and Email Address of the user you wish to add and click Save.
Hover the cursor next to an email address and click on Mark as primary to mark it as a primary email. Henceforth, every email communication (estimates, invoices etc) sent to contacts will go from this email address by default.
Base Currency: The currency you select when you sign up is displayed here. As mentioned in quick set-up, it cannot be changed if transactions are recorded.
Fiscal Year: Different companies follow different fiscal year, select the one that best suits your organization’s accounting and regulatory needs.
Language: Select the language you wish to use for your Zoho Invoice account. Currently Zoho Invoice supports 10 languages.
Time Zone: Zoho Invoice populates the time zone based on the location you choose during sign up. You can edit if required.
Date Format: Select your preferred date format mostly prevalent in your country or specific to your organization.
Company ID: In case you wish to display your company ID on the invoice you can add it here. Company ID is the jurisdictional requirement for every company and is country specific.
Tax ID: In case you also wish to display your tax ID on the invoice you can add it here. This is specific to company’s regulatory requirement.
Additional Fields: Add additional fields on your invoice with this option. Ex: Name, Account number, Alternate Contact, License Details, etc.
Adding a New Organization
Zoho Invoice gives you the option of adding multiple organizations to your account. This way you can manage your various business accounts under a single Zoho Invoice login and get a comparative view of the financial health of your group of companies.
To add an Organization; follow these steps:
- Click on the drop down button next to your organization’s name and click on the Manage Organizations option. You will be redirected to a new page.
- Click on the New Organization button provided on the top right hand side of the screen.
- A pop-up screen will appear asking you to either clone the exisitng organization’s settings or set up a new organization by yourself.
- Clicking on Yes, clone settings will prompt you to a new screen. Here, you can choose the organization and the module(s) to be cloned.
Click on No, I will set it up myself if you wish to create a new organization.
Enter the relevant details of the new organization, and click on Save and you are done!
Soon after completing the setup, you will be taken to the dashboard of your newly created organization. If you wish to switch to another organization, click on the organization drop-down present on the top right corner and select the organization to which you wish to switch.