Custom Functions

Custom functions are user built functions that help them to add new features to Zoho CRM as per their requirement. These are written in deluge script and are easy to construct. The syntax and logic are simple to formulate and aid in the continuous development of the code.

Custom functions liberate the user from a hard-coded CRM to a flexible one. They feel an actual control over the CRM which helps them find endless possibilities to make their work easier and faster. Some of the benefits of having custom functions are

  • Achieve workflow automation by writing custom functions to control the flow. For example, automated lead assignment.
  • Perform operations like Get, Put, Update or Delete data for any event happening in CRM. For example, sending the automated email to a customer whenever they are added to the system.
  • Make extensions on the Zoho Developer Console and subsequently publishing them in the marketplace. Similarly, make connectors associated with the extensions to integrate the CRM with any third-party application.

The custom function finds its application in the following areas:

  • Custom Buttons - Define your own button action by writing a custom function using Deluge script. Whenever the button is clicked, the associated custom function will be triggered.
  • Custom Related Lists - Using a custom function, you can display related information associated with a particular record, in the record's details page.
  • Connector and Connected Apps - You can write a custom function to enable the integration of Zoho CRM with a third party service using connectors and connected apps.


Automated Lead assignment

This function automatically assigns the leads to different users.
Saves a lot of time fot the admin and only does it to the active users, so that if any one of them is on vacation it skips that user and give it to the next in queue.

lead_id = input.lead.get("Leads.ID");
m = map();
m.put("module", "Leads");
datamap = {"id", lead_id.toLong()};
m.put("data", datamap);
resp = zoho.crm.invokeConnector("crm.get", m);
lead_number = (resp.get("Lead_Number")).toLong();
assignRule = resp.get("Assign_Using_Active_Assignment_Rule");
UserDetail = zoho.crm.invokeConnector("crm.getusers",m);
UserDetailtoMap = UserDetail.toMap();
UserDetailtoMap2 = (UserDetailtoMap.get("users")).toMap();
UserDetailtoList = UserDetailtoMap2.get("user").toJSONList();
j = 0;
valuez = map();
for each index i in UserDetailtoList
fetchingDetail= (UserDetailtoList.get(i)).toMap();
if (fetchingDetail.containKey("id"))
valuez.put(j.toString(), fetchingDetail.get("id"));
j = j.toLong();
j = (j + 1);
max_lead_level1 = (i + 1);
max_lead_level = (max_lead_level1).toLong();
ans = (abs(((l_number - 1) % max_lead_level)) + 1);
updateMap = map();
updateMap.put("id", lead_id.toString());
updateMap.put("Round_Robin_Id_Auto_Filled", ans);
updateMap.put("Max_Lead_Level_Auto_Filled", max_lead_level);
m1 = map();
m1.put("module", "Leads");
m1.put("data", updateMap);
updatedResponse = zoho.crm.invokeConnector("crm.update", m1);
info updatedResponse;
if (assignRule == "true")
ans = (ans - 1);
answ = ans.toString();
ownerid = valuez.get(answ);
mapp = map(); mapp.put("id", lead_id.toString());
mapp.put("SMOWNERID", ownerid);
newUpdateMap = map();
newUpdateMap.put("module", "Leads");
newUpdateMap.put("data", mapp);
updatedResponse2 = zoho.crm.invokeConnector("crm.update", newUpdateMap);
info updatedResponse2;

  1. Fetch the lead id from the lead module
  2. Get all the related records for the same.
  3. Get Lead number
  4. Assign using active assignment method
  5. Get all the user information in the list after running the API from the plugin round-robin assignment.
  6. Then mapping a user to a lead as and when a new lead is generated.

Function to invoke connector task

eventid = input.event.get("Events.ID");
gtm_id = input.event.get("meeting.GoToMeetingId");
mapp = { "meetingId" : gtm_id };
respMap = zoho.crm.invokeConnector("meeting.connector_go_to_meeting.deletemeeting", mapp);
info respMap;

  1. Event ID is being procured
  2. Goto meeting is being fetched from that particular event
  3. Mapping of dynamic values in connector
  4. Invoking connector and displaying response

Function to put the grand total amount from quote module and place it in the respective Potential module.

quoteId = input.quote.get("Quotes.ID");   
resp = zoho.crm.getRelatedRecords("Potentials", "Quotes", quoteId);   
value = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Quotes", quoteId.toLong());   
amount = value.get("Grand Total");    
potential_amount = map();
potentialId = value.get("Potentials.ID");
potential_amount.put("id", potentialId);
potential_amount.put("Amount", amount.toLong());
potentialMap = map();
potentialMap.put("module", "Potentials");
potentialMap.put("data", potential_amount);
updateResp = zoho.crm.invokeConnector("crm.update", potentialMap);

  1. Get Quote id of the respective quote module
  2. Get the information of the Potential related to that Quote.
  3. Get all the related records corresponding to that Quote.
  4. Extract the Potential ID.
  5. Finally put the Potential name , Its ID and the amount quoted in Potential module.