Update Details of a Notification


To update the details of the notifications enabled by a user. All the provided details would be persisted and rest of the details would be removed.

Request Details

Request URL


Supported modules

Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Deals, Campaigns, Tasks, Cases, Meetings, Calls, Solutions, Products, Vendors, Price Books, Quotes, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Invoices, Appointments, Appointments Rescheduled History, Services, and Custom


Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52



Possible operation types

ALL - Full access to notification data
WRITE - Edit notification details
UPDATE - Update notification details

Sample Request

Copiedcurl "https://zylkercorp.zohoplatform.com/crm/v6/actions/watch"
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 100xx.d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52"
-d "@inputData.json"

In the request, "@inputData.json" contains the sample input data.

Input JSON Keys

  • tokenString, optional

    This value is sent back in the callback to ensure that the notification is from Zoho Vertical Solutions. The maximum character length is 50.
    Possible values: Example: TOKEN_FOR_VERIFICATION_OF_1000000068001

  • notify_urlString, mandatory

    The URL to be notified (POST request) about the action that took place in the module.
    Possible values: String values. Example: https://www.zoho.com/callback?authorization=Zoho-oauthtoken 100xx.d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52&key1=val1&key2=val2

  • channel_idlong, mandatory

    The given value is sent back in callback URL body to make sure that the notification is for a particular channel.
    Possible values: Channel ID. Example: 1000000068001

  • channel_expiryString (ISO Date time), optional

    Represents the expiry time for instant notifications. The value can be a maximum of only one day from the time they were enabled. If it is not specified or set for more than a day, the default expiry time is for one hour.
    Possible values: ISO Date time. Example: 2023-02-02T10:30:00+05:30

  • eventsJSONArray, mandatory

    To subscribe based on particular operations on selected modules.
    Possible values: JSON Array of the format ["{module_api_name}.{operation}", "{module_api_name}.{operation}"]. Example: ["Leads.create","Sales_Orders.edit","Contacts.delete","users.all"]. Possible operation types - create, delete, edit, all

  • notification_conditionJSONArray, optional

    To raise a notification only when an event occurs on certain fields of the module.
    This array contains the following keys:

    • type - string, mandatory - Indicates that a notification is raised based on field updates. The value is field_selection.
    • module - JSON object, mandatory - The API name and ID of the module on whose field events you want to receive notifications.
    • field_selection - JSON object, mandatory - Contains a maximum of two objects with each object having the following keys:
      • group_operator - string, mandatory - The supported operators are and and or. You can group the fields using these operators.
      • group - JSON array, mandatory - Every field JSON object contains the API name and ID of the field in the module. You will receive a notification whenever any action happens on these fields based on their group operator.

        Note: You can have a maximum of 10 fields in the group array, irrespective of how you have grouped them.

  • notify_on_related_actionboolean, optional

    To enable notification when there is any action on any associated records. The default value is TRUE.

To get notification on a URL

  • On trigger of any notification-enabled event in a module, Zoho Vertical Solutions sends a notification to the user through the notify URL.

Sample Input

    "watch": [
            "channel_id": "10000",
            "events": [
            "notification_condition": [
                    "type": "field_selection",
                    "module": {
                        "api_name": "Deals",
                        "id": "554023000000000131"
                    "field_selection": {
                        "group_operator": "or",
                        "group": [
                                "field": {
                                    "api_name": "Stage",
                                    "id": "554023000000000525"
                                "group_operator": "and",
                                "group": [
                                        "field": {
                                            "api_name": "Account_Name",
                                            "id": "554023000000000523"
                                        "field": {
                                            "api_name": "Lead_Source",
                                            "id": "554023000000000535"
            "channel_expiry": "2023-12-31T09:58:09+05:30",
            "token": "deals.all.notif.changed",
            "notify_url": "https://webhook.site/2c9a0f7xxxc20fa9"

Sample Response

    "watch": [
            "code": "SUCCESS",
            "details": {
                "events": [
                        "channel_expiry": "2023-08-11T02:04:14-11:00",
                        "resource_uri": "https://zylkercorp.zohoplatform.com/crm/v6/Contacts",
                        "resource_id": "554023000000000129",
                        "resource_name": "Contacts",
                        "channel_id": "10000"
                        "channel_expiry": "2023-08-11T02:04:14-11:00",
                        "resource_uri": "https://zylkercorp.zohoplatform.com/crm/v6/Deals",
                        "resource_id": "554023000000000131",
                        "resource_name": "Deals",
                        "channel_id": "10000"
            "message": "Successfully subscribed for actions-watch of the given module",
            "status": "success"