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Weitere InformationenSchließen Sie in kürzerer Zeit mehr Aufträge ab.
Intelligente Buchführung für wachsende Unternehmen
Unkomplizierte Rechnungsstellung.
All-in-One-Suite zur Verwaltung Ihres Betriebs und Ihrer Finanzen.
Intelligente Abrechnung für Abonnements.
Zoho Expense is an amazing product that we used to replace Expensify in our organization. It is a much cost-effective option with the same features. The auto receipt scans work great. The reports are easy to generate. Zoho Expense is user-friendly and provides amazing customer service!
We had initially implemented Expensify across the Group, but gradually realised that it was not cost effective. So, we started evaluating other expense management options that would best fit our company. We came across Zoho Expense, and realised it was the perfect expense management software we were looking for.
We were excited when we discovered Expensify—it made expense reporting a lot easier. We were even more thrilled when we came across Zoho Expense that integrates with Zoho Books. An important step of pushing the expenses into our accounting system has become a breeze because we no longer have to import expenses manually, as was the case with Expensify.
Zoho Expense has helped us to create a paperless and fully traceable process. It is great value for money and extremely user-friendly!
I have requested for a couple of enhancements to adapt to the evolving reporting needs of our LAC users, and the Zoho team has worked it out for me immediately answering quickly and efficiently all the requests and questions that I may have. Definitely, the customer support team deserves a special mention!
Scan receipts in 15 languages with the Zoho Expense app and expenses will be created with line item information automatically.
Fetch corporate card feeds from card providers like Visa, Mastercard, and Amex directly and reconcile the transactions with expenses automatically.
Build sophisticated, multi-stage approval flows so that all expenses are examined properly. You can automate approvals as well.
Ensure employees stick to your organization's policies and never go overboard on T&E expenditure by setting up custom spending limits with Zoho Exoense's rule engine.
With an audit trail report and instant insight into policy violations, audit expenses effectively and ensure there are no phony expenses, come tax season.
Expense data can be synced automatically with your accounting software, enabling effective expense accounting.
Track your employees' expenses without putting a hole in your pocket.
Zoho Expense integrates with leading accounting solutions and reimbursement enablers among various other apps to help your expense management.
Zoho Expense apps for iOS and Android don't just let you scan receipts. You can manage your organization's expenses without having to fire up your laptop.