CRM Help

getSearchRecords Method


You can use this method to search records by expressions of the selected columns.

Request URL

XML Format: Token&scope=crmapi

JSON Format: Token&scope=crmapi


  • Irrespective of Zoho CRM Edition, you can send only 250 API requests / day. In each call you can fetch a maximum of 200 records.

Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
authtoken*StringEncrypted alphanumeric string to authenticate your Zoho credentials.
scope*StringSpecify crmapi as the scope
selectColumns*StringModule(optional columns) i.e, Leads(Last Name,Website,Email) OR All
searchCondition*String(Created By|=|username)
newFormatIntegernewFormat=1: To exclude fields with "null" values while inserting data from your CRM account.
newFormat=2: To include fields with "null" values while inserting data from your CRM account.
fromIndexIntegerDefault value - 1
toIndexIntegerDefault value - 20
Maximum value - 200
versionIntegerversion = 1: (Default value) This will fetch responses based on the earlier API implementation i.e prior to the enhancements made.
version = 2: This will fetch responses based on the latest API implementation.

* - Mandatory parameter


  • Refer the Release Notes page to learn more about enhancements made in the API implementation.

Regular Expressions

While using this method, ensure selectColumns and searchCondition parameters are set as mandatory. You can specify the following expressions in API request:

  • is OR =
  • isn't OR <>
  • contains(*srcString*)
  • starts with(srcString*)
  • ends with(*srcString)
  • doesn't contain
  • < OR is before
  • > OR is after
  • <=
  • =>


Example 1

If you want to select Lead Name,Company,Email,Mobile,Website from Leads and Email should contain "",Search API request should be as given below: Token&scope=crmapi&newFormat=1&selectColumns=Leads(Lead Name,Company,Email,Mobile,Website)&searchCondition=(Email|contains|**)

Example 2

If you want to select Company,Email,Website from Leads and No of Employees should be greater than 100, Search API request should be as given below: Token&scope=crmapi&newFormat=1&selectColumns=Leads(Company,Email,Website)&searchCondition=(No of Employees|>|100)

Example 3

If you want to select Lead Name,Email from Leads and Company should start with "Zoho", then the search API request should be as given below: Token&scope=crmapi&newFormat=1&selectColumns=Leads(Lead Name,Email)&searchCondition=(Company|starts with|Zoho*)

Example with equal(=) Token&scope=crmapi
&selectColumns=Leads(First Name,Last Name,Email,Company)&searchCondition=(Email|=|

Example with greater than(>) Token&scope=crmapi
&selectColumns=Leads(First Name,Last Name,Email,Company)
&searchCondition=(Annual Revenue|>|1000)

Example with less than(<)


  • Replace null value Integer fields with "0". Integer fields with no value will not be included in the search. Token&scope=crmapi
&selectColumns=Leads(First Name,Last Name,Email,Company)

Example with contains Token&scope=crmapi
&selectColumns=Leads(First Name,Last Name,Email,Company)

Example with starts with Token&scope=crmapi
&selectColumns=Leads(First Name,Last Name,Email,Company)
&searchCondition=(Company|starts with|zoho*)

Example with ends with Token&scope=crmapi
&selectColumns=Leads(First Name,Last Name,Email,Company)
&searchCondition=(Company|ends with|*zoho)

Example with equal(=) and selectColumns=All Token&scope=crmapi

Test Program

You can use the attached program to run and test the working of the getSearchRecords method in your Java Environment.

The Java Program contains the following:

  • the authtoken generation format
  • the parameters and their values
  • actual usage of the method

Click here to download the program

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