Introducing the quick transition: Move to Zoho ZeptoMail in 5 minutes

Transactional emails play a crucial role in business operations because they ensure timely communication with customers. From OTP emails, password resets, or shipping updates, these emails add value to the customer's journey and improve your brand reputation.

Even if businesses face poor deliverability and performance issues, they tend to stick to the product they're already using. Despite these frustrations, many businesses hesitate to switch providers, fearing the complex and time-consuming transition process. We get it—allocating resources and time to make a change feels overwhelming.

That’s why ZeptoMail has introduced a 5-Minute Quick Transition feature, ensuring a smooth, easy, and stress-free move, so you can focus on what matters most—building your business.

Previously, switching transactional email services used to mean rewriting API code and adjusting multiple parameters. But with ZeptoMail, all it takes is a quick tweak to one line of your existing API code and adding an encryption key. ZeptoMail handles the rest—the entire mapping and addition of parameters to send emails—allowing you to make the transition in just five minutes!

quick transition to zeptomail

How to transition to Zoho ZeptoMail in 5 minutes  

You can follow the four-step transition process outlined below to make a quick transition to ZeptoMail.

 1. Sign up for Zoho ZeptoMail 

Sign up for Zoho ZeptoMail by providing the proper credentials. You will receive an email verification email.

 2. Add and verify your domain 

Now you can start adding your domain. You need to add DKIM and CNAME values in your DNS configuration to verify your domain. After verification, go to the dashboard to fill out the customer validation form. Then, your ZeptoMail account undergoes a thorough review by our team to confirm its authenticity.

NOTE: After signing up, your ZeptoMail account will have 1 free credit (i.e., 10,000 emails). Until we validate your account, you can use this credit with a daily cap of 100 emails. Once we validate your account, you can send unlimited emails without any daily limit.

 3. Modify one line of your API code 

This is the most important step of all. No complicated code structures. You'll be changing just one line of your API code to make the transition to Zoho ZeptoMail. You should tweak the following lines:

1. API URL →, where "xx" should be replaced with the name of the service. For example, if you're transitioning from Postmark, then use "pm" in the field xx.

2. Authorization key → -H "Authorization:Zoho-enczapikey ***" \. To authorize your request, you'll need to add the send mail token in the header section.

The other fields will remain the same as your existing code.

 4. Send transactional emails from Zoho ZeptoMail 

You have now transitioned to Zoho ZeptoMail successfully, and you can start sending your transactional emails. But remember to complete your customer validation form.

NOTE: This process is a transition process and not a migration process. When you use the quick transition process, your previous provider won't transfer your data to ZeptoMail. Only email sending will switch from the old provider.

Why should you try the quick transition process?

1. It's developer-friendly 

As a developer, transitioning to a new product can be daunting because of the complexity of code and the time-consuming nature of the process. We heard you loud and clear.

Previously, developers had to modify different parameters within a code when moving from another service to ZeptoMail by mapping all of the parameters to ZeptoMail. However, now you only need to modify one line of your API code and add the authorization key to make the transition to ZeptoMail. ZeptoMail will automatically update the remaining parameters and map them for your account.

ZeptoMail sounds like a dream come true for developers, doesn't it? It's easily accessible, it has a quick transition process, and it can test your emails right in the platform.

2. It helps you manage your time effectively 

We're all busy bees and coping to keep up with the fast-paced environment. Every minute is valuable for a business to grow and drive revenue.

ZeptoMail values every minute of your time. With its quick transition process, ZeptoMail aims to manage your time and minimize downtime. The four-step transition takes only five minutes. Meanwhile, you can redirect your focus and energy towards what really matters.

3. It increases your productivity 

We often rely on timelines to stay productive. Using the right tools for your business can have a direct and positive impact on overall productivity.

So how does ZeptoMail's transition process positively impact your productivity?

Normally, you would need a whole team to handle transitions. But with ZeptoMail, one person can tackle the entire process in minutes. Not only do you save resources, but you also kick your productivity up a notch. After you transition, ZeptoMail will surprise you by showing you how much more you can accomplish in a day.

Quick guides to transition to Zoho ZeptoMail 

We've specially designed these handy guides to assist you with the transition process. You can find everything you need to know about the four-step transition process in detail, feature highlights, and comparison. The quick transition feature is applicable for the following services:

Explore the benefits that come with transitioning to Zoho ZeptoMail 

Here are some reasons why you should choose ZeptoMail for sending transactional emails for your business.

 1. Great email deliverability 

ZeptoMail is exclusively curated for sending transactional emails at no extra cost for email deliverability. ZeptoMail's transactional emails get delivered right to the user's inbox because:

  • ZeptoMail is exclusive for sending transactional emails.

  • ZeptoMail uses well-maintained shared IPs to improve deliverability.

  • ZeptoMail monitors an account's spam history and promptly blocks to safeguard the IP reputation.

 2. Fast email delivery  

ZeptoMail is optimized for speed so that all your important transactional emails are delivered safely and quickly. Additionally, ZeptoMail streamlines the sending process with high deliverability and minimal delays.

By utilizing reputable IPs, implementing robust domain authentication, and adhering to email protocols, ZeptoMail ensures that your transactional emails bypass spam filters and reach inboxes instantly.

3. Developer-friendly transition 

As discussed above, you can make your transition to ZeptoMail in five minutes. Follow the four quick steps mentioned above to start sending transactional emails from ZeptoMail.

Developers can avoid the frustration of figuring out new code structures or waste time on a group of people. Instead, save more time by changing one line of your existing API code to make the transition.

4. Flexible pricing 

ZeptoMail follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model, which means you'll be paying only for the emails you use. This drastically cuts your email sending costs because you don't have to pay for the emails that you don't use.

ZeptoMail runs on a credit system. Each credit allows you to send 10,000 emails. Want to know how much you can save with ZeptoMail? Visit ZeptoMail's pricing page for more details.

5. Rich features

ZeptoMail is packed with rich features exclusively designed to simplify your transactional email sending process. You can manage everything in one place with different features like mail agents, activity logs, file cache, email templates, suppression lists, processed emails, reports, manage users, exports, IP restrictions, and much more.

Unlike other services, we don't restrict any of our users from using any of the features in ZeptoMail. You can experience all of them without any additional charges irrespective of your email sending volume.

6. Privacy and security 

Transactional emails usually contain confidential data, and it is essential to send them securely. Zoho ZeptoMail is build with a security-first approach to secure all of your sensitive data.

With ZeptoMail, you get to secure your transactional email sending process at multiple levels. It includes data storage security, email security, in-transit security, encryption at rest, and user-level security.

 7. Get 24/7 support team 

We provide 24/7 extensive technical support via phone, email, and chat support for all of our users.

Wrapping up

We worked on this transition process to improve the developer experience and open doors to new levels of productivity. You can now spend less time on transitions and more time on growing your business.

If you don’t see the service you want to transition from, let us know in the comments. We’ll be happy to create a quick transition process for you. More updates are on the way, so stay tuned!


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