You would have noticed Zoho Writer was in maintenance for long time in last 2 days. We have done a major update to Zoho Writer. Yes, Zoho Writer now runs on a Grid. To make sure Zoho Writer is scalable, we have moved Zoho Writer to our Grid Architecture. Zoho CRM is already running in the Grid & Zoho Writer is migrated to the Grid.
What else we have done in this update.
Editing Functionalities
- Line Spacing Option provided in the tool bar. You can use the icon
to change the line spacing in between lines.
Import/Export :
- We have added new document formats to the export functionality. Yes you can now export as ODT, RTF , Text File and HTMLs. You can now import ODT and RTF formats into ZohoWriter.
- But what about the inconsistency prevailing in the previous zohowriter version. Yes we have changed the way we were handling our export and import mechanisms which makes it more stable in our test environments.. Do play around with the functionality and write to us.
Quick Create :
- An easy throw away tool to create documents on the fly. You don’t have to hold an account with zohowriter to create documents anymore. visit the url or Use the Quick Create Button on the home page. But we don’t store any of your Document Content at the backend for your future usage.
Search Content :
- We have done a content search feature with the help of Lucene search engine. You must be able to search your content across your documents in addition to the previous search by Document Name available at the left side document bar.
Public Documents :
- We have removed the right side bar in the public page and each and every public page will have the content of the document alone and no extra stuff loaded on to it. We have privatized the public pages.
Little Screw Ups :-
The way the public url , email ids for EMAIL IN functionality looks much different in this current update against the previous versions.
Yes we have changed them all. But Don’t Panic. Every url and email ids given previously will work with the new versions also. Please start using the new urls and new email ids so that we can down size the apllication from holding the unnecessary information in the future days to come.Google Module and Page Flakes :
These modules will work but please do a shift refresh before using this pages with zohowriter. This will make sure you are pointed to the latest urls which we mapped internally.
Mega Screw Up :
The detail which we were not able to keep as back up is the cookie you had in your browser. Yes the remember me option has be thrown away. Please bear with the little pain and get the password from your brains. But Now you can use the KEEP ME Signed IN option so that you don’t have to type in the user name or password any more and You will be taken directly into the application. We will make sure you don’t miss the details we display in our home page in the updates to come.
We sincerely apologize for breaking the remember me option.
Do refresh your page loading well with the Shift key down so that your cache get cleared to load our fresh javascripts. Do keep writing to us your feedback on the service.