Zoho ShowTime - Enabling New Age Business Meetings

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According to a research paper published in the journal 'The African Symposium', there is a direct correlation between levels of employee productivity and how engaging the work environment is. This holds true even for business meetings. Gone are the days when quarterly review meetings were held in rooms with dreary curtains. From hiking on a mountain trail to flying in a helicopter, any space can become a place to talk business.

However, as stimulating as these more fun work environments are, they pose their own challenges when it comes to running successful, productive meetings. The most obvious obstacle is the question of how to have engaging meetings where all the participants are as involved as they would be in normal office settings. We can't possibly carry our trusted conference room projectors along with us wherever we go, but in the digital age, it's almost impossible to hold a meeting without the help of some kind of presentation technology.

So how can you hold productive business meetings without having to sacrifice working outdoors in cool locations? Simple: Zoho's presentation delivery platform, Zoho ShowTime, gives you the flexibility you need to give effective business presentations in unconventional settings.

Meet anywhere with Zoho ShowTime
Zoho ShowTime is a powerful new tool that makes the dream of outdoor business presentations a reality. With the ShowTime Presenter mobile application, presenters can manipulate the slides in their shows instead of using  a slide changer or clicker. The audience can then follow the slides on their mobile devices with the ShowTime Viewer application.

With an exciting set of features, Zoho ShowTime is the tool that will change the way you run your meetings, whether you're in the office or out in the great outdoors.

Live polling
Using the Viewer app, presenters and audiences can participate in polls designed to gauge the success of the meeting material. Corporate trainers can conduct polls in order to ensure that trainees are able to understand the presentation, as well as keep them interested at the same time. A presenter can run live polls to invite audiences to actively respond to the speech instead of being just passive listeners.

Virtual questions
The fear of asking questions usually robs a meeting of lively discussion and team engagement. This problem can be solved with the ShowTime Viewer application, which lets the audience pose virtual questions to the presenter. They can then choose to project particular questions from their device to engage in further discussions with their team.

Slide 'like'
Audiences can let speakers know they appreciate particular content by using the slide 'like' option. Similarly, participants in a training session can also 'like' particular slides, thereby letting the trainer know which content resonated with them.

Instant rating and feedback
Getting honest feedback from the participants  usually poses a big challenge for presenters who need clear insights into how they can improve their presentations. ShowTime helps trainers address this concern by allowing attendees to rate and provide feedback to the presenter immediately after the session. This saves the presenter the hassle of handing out and collecting feedback forms. After the session is over, the ratings are provided immediately for the presenter, which guarantees an accurate representation of how the training progressed.

Don't let a lack of traditional resources affect your meetings. Leverage the power of mobility and take your presentations on the go with Zoho ShowTime.

You can download the ShowTime Presenter application (iOS and Android) and the Viewer application (iOS and Android), or participants can also log into 'attend.zoho.com' to view the presentation.

We would love to hear about your experience using our ShowTime applications. If you have questions or thoughts that you would like to share, write to us at support@zohoshowtime.com or leave your comments below.  


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