Keep Calm, Lock and Share.

What possible damage could inviting someone to collaborate on a document do to a company? Just ask investment giant JP Morgan. When the New York based trading firm hired an expert across the Atlantic to work on a few spreadsheets, little did they expect that human error — combined with flaws in a financial model developed using the spreadsheet — would result in billions of dollars’ worth of trading losses.

Not every collaboration mistake becomes a fiasco on the level of London Whale. And human error can’t be completely eliminated. But it doesn’t hurt to be careful.

Introducing the Lock feature in Zoho Show. 

There’s no need to panic and stop inviting collaborators completely. For those parts of your presentation you don’t want anyone changing, the ‘Lock’ feature lets you lock a full slide or shape so even your invited collaborators can’t alter it.

All you have to do is right-click and select the Lock Slide option when sharing the presentation.


If you change your mind at any point and wish to allow your collaborators to edit the slide you’d locked, just select the Unlock Slide option.


But wait — what if you forget to lock a slide? Are your carefully prepared shapes and clever jokes lost forever? Not to worry. Zoho Show has your back with its automatic version tracking feature. You can easily restore an automatically saved earlier version, irrespective of the number of edits the document has undergone.

You don’t want your boss or a client seeing a 20% forecast projected as 200%, stable growth shown as a nose-diving graph, or misaligned images describing symmetry. These are errors that can end up in the final version of the presentation during a collaborative editing exercise.

But with Slide Lock and version tracking, you can make sure this is exceedingly rare.

Click to learn more about all the useful features in Zoho Show.


6 Replies to Keep Calm, Lock and Share.

  1. this is very useful for me and now i can share it with any of my friends whenever we have projects coming up.

    1. @Sitara Cherian: Glad to know you liked it :) It is indeed a great way to keep your documents intact in a collaborative editing exercise.

  2. this is very useful for me and now i can share it with my friends whenever i have projects coming up.

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