Notebook updates: create tables, merge note cards, and more

Hi everyone,

We're back with more Notebook updates. From our most requested feature to exciting bug fixes, we're excited to tell you about what's been implemented and updated.

Create tables

One of the most requested functionalities for Notebook is the ability to create tables in Text Cards, and we're happy to say you can now find the option to create a table in the editor toolbar across all platforms. While creating a table in a text card is currently only possible in the Notebook mobile app, you can perform these actions on the desktop and web apps: 

  • Insert a row above or below a row

  • Insert a column before or after a column

  • Delete a row or a column

  • Delete the table

Remove formatting

We don't always want to import formatting to our Text Cards. Different websites have different styles, so when we copy and paste content into Notebook, we often end up pasting the formatting. You can now remove previous formatting from any copied content before you paste into a Text Card. Your preference will be stored in the app settings and you can change it anytime. You can also entirely remove a Text Card's formatting to make it plain text.

Merge note cards

Have you ever had related notes spread across multiple note cards? Have you ever pasted the content of a note into another to make it a single note card? Notebook now makes it easier to merge note cards into one. Please note, only similar note cards can be merged at this time. For example, you can only merge a Text Card with other Text Cards.

Export data

Your data is always yours. You can now export your Notebook data at any time and back it up in any place of your choice. Users who use Notebook without a Zoho account can multi-select note cards and notebooks and export all as a ZIP file. Zoho users can request to download the entirety of their Notebook data, either in HTML or ZNote format. You will receive an email with a download link once the export is completed. You can import these files again using the Notebook app.

Reset passcode

Notebook is where many of us write important notes as well, and Notebook allows us to lock certain notes to secure them. Until now, only Zoho account users could reset their passcode if forgotten. Now, users without a Zoho account can also reset their passcode. Going forward, the Notebook app will ask you to set up a few security questions when you first set a passcode. You can answer those questions any time to reset your passcode.

Sort and filter

In addition to setting your preference to sort your note cards and notebooks, you can now set this preference at the individual view level. This means you can now have different sort preferences for your notebooks and note cards. Search and other views will still have your note cards sorted based on your last modification.

You can now apply filters to all note cards and notebooks to find the required note card or notebook easily. You can also apply filters additionally to the search term to narrow down your search results.

Sign in using WeChat

For all users in China, creating an account in Zoho is much easier now. Notebook now supports the option to sign in using WeChat. You can use this option on mobile apps to create a confirmed account with Zoho with a click.

Platform Updates:

Notebook for iOS

For all Apple users, Notebook is now compatible with the new iPad Pro. You can use the trackpad to navigate in the app and use keyboard shortcuts to work on the app. You can refer this help guide to learn more in detail about the trackpad features and keyboard shortcuts.

Apple users can use the "Sign In With Apple" option to create an account and sync notes across devices. You can either choose to share your email or not using this option.

The Undo and Re-do tools are now placed in the Text Card editor toolbar for easy access. You can use these tools with Apple's accessibility technology, "Shake to Undo."

Notebook for Android

We've added a new shortcut, "Add Note to Notification tray." You can use this shortcut to pin a note to the notification bar to quickly access it again. We've also redesigned the push notification view. Now, you'll never miss reminders and important announcements from the product.

Notebook for Mac

Notebook for Mac added window support in recent updates. Now, you can open a note card in a separate window and write without distractions.

Share files to Notebook Mac app from anywhere on your Mac. Right-click on the file you would like to share, click 'Share' action to see Notebook listed as an option.

Choose from a variety of fonts installed on your device to use it in Notebook. If you'd like to use a font in Notebook, download and install that font on your device and set it as the "Editor Font" in your Notebook preferences.

Bookmark Cards now open inside the app. You can tap the Safari icon any time to open a Bookmark Card in the browser. Copy and pasting a multi-line checklist will create individual items in Notebook for Mac.

We hope you find these features and enhancements in Notebook helpful in increasing your productivity! Feel free to leave your feedback in the comments below or write to us at


23 Replies to Notebook updates: create tables, merge note cards, and more

  1. Hi Varadarajan, Is there any chance you can add the features of competing product AudioNote? I showed one of your senior people at the last Zoho Insights held in Australia? It has the ability to record notes while recording audio. It then synchronises the words/letters of the note with the audio. Later, you can play back the audio by selecting a word in the notes, then skip back 10 seconds to hear the audio that happened when you made the note. Very useful!

    1. Hi Paul, Thank you for raising this. We already have this in our plans and are looking at ways to execute it. We'll let you know about its progress. If you have any more questions or feedback, please write to us at or via DM in our Twitter handle @zohonotebook. Thanks!

    1. Hi Tristan, Unfortunately, we don't support subscript and superscript in our editor functionalities in Notebook. We'll take this up as a feature request and keep you posted on its progress. If you have any more questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or via DM in our Twitter handle @zohonotebook. Thanks!

  2. Following my previous comment, I actually just realized the app is refusing to update on my MAC. When I click updates it loads completely and returns to the "update" button like nothing happened.

  3. Hello I don't see the table update on my Mac, only my iphone. When it syncs to Mac from my iphone it just organises it in rows without the table lines?

  4. Thanks very much and PLEASE do not forget us who don't use IOS and Android and who use Zoho Notebook on Linux! Thank you

    1. Hi Jerry, We definitely haven't forgotten our Linux users. We're in the process of bringing our updates to the Linux platform as well. Stay tuned!

  5. Getting better - would love a collaborate on Notebook or single Note option so I could invite people to work together on projects.

  6. Agradeço a equipe do Zoho por ter criado esse aplicativo incrível! Prático e fácil de usar. Eu uso tanto para o trabalho quanto para os estudos da faculdade. Porém, acredito que falta uma ferramenta essencial, qual seja, opção para marcar os textos, com várias cores disponíveis. O aplicativo seria perfeito se tivesse essa ferramenta, pois ela seria útil para os estudos. Eu adorei a atualização com corretor ortográfico e ferramenta para justificar o texto. Ademais, eu desejaria que ele também tivesse a opção de aumenta ou diminuir o tamanho da fonte. No mais, eu adoro o aplicativo, mas, sempre há o que melhorar.

    1. Hi Virginia, Marking text with different colors and increasing/decreasing the font size is something that we've been working on. You can expect it in our future updates. Thank you for using Notebook and if you have any more suggestions or feedback, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Thanks!

  7. Open Groups on iOS is still not possible. Covers don't support translucency. Are you doing a Notebook for web?? Without transparency? Feels like a joke. iOS add photo: the camera is being initialized 10 years. Why won't you offer to add from the camera roll first? Much quicker and 90% of usecases. iOS: When I share a Notebook-Url (e.g. in Telegram) it opens in a browser instead of the app. Buggers me for years now.

    1. Hi Max, Apologies that you have to go through this with the Notebook app. Can you please send feedback from the app with the 'Attach user log' turned on? it'll be helpful for us to look into this further. We've supported universal linking in the Notebook iOS app, can you please update to the latest version of the app and try again? Looking forward to your feedback. Thanks!

  8. Hello, Thank you so much for these amazing updates! I know that working in hard times in 2020 and really appreciate, Zoho ? Hands down ? Tables, Plain Text and Merge note cards I awaited for and loved these things so much! ? Zoho Notebook becoming a Universal Note-taking app for me, even maybe forgot papers ? Stay safe. Best.

  9. I love using Notebook because of all its features, there's even a way to add code to notes! My only issue would be with the auto-save feature, I had completed my note and even left it on screen for more than 10 minutes and my internet connection was okay so I don't know why it couldn't save it.

    1. Hey Lucy, Thank you for your feedback. We would like to let you know that we already have auto save feature in our app. The new note created will be auto saved in 5 minutes and any update to an existing card will be saved in 3 minutes, if it doesn’t happen, then that’s an issue. If it doesn’t happen for you all the time, please send us a feedback from the app, we’ll look into it immediately. Note: The note will be saved in the server. It will be remained open in the UI and not be dismissed.

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