Notebook 3.0: Introducing File Card, Web Clipper for Safari, Import from Evernote, and Much More

We're happy to announce our latest update for Notebook, and it's a doozy. We filed your suggestions, imported some ingenuity, and have extended Notebook in some interesting ways.

You can now add and sync PDFs, documents, spreadsheets, and more to Notebook with the brand new File Card; clip the web on Safari; import from Evernote via our mobile or Mac apps, and much more.

Introducing File Card: Add PDFs, documents, spreadsheets, and more

This was one of the most requested features. You can now add and sync PDFs, documents, spreadsheets, and more to Notebook. Files can be added from any online or offline storage app. All files added to Notebook are treated as distinct, groupable note cards, rather than mere attachments.

When you add files to Notebook, you'll be able to open them in Zoho Docs, Zoho's document management application, available on the web and mobile. Simply go to your pre-made Notebook folder, and voilà, there they are. Your files can even be synced to your desktop through Zoho Docs Sync, giving you multiple ways to access your files.

BTW, all Notebook accounts include Zoho Docs, as well as Zoho's online office suite. =]

 Notebook File Card

Notebook Web Clipper: Now available for Safari

It's the same, notable Web Clipper, now available for Safari. Whether you've found a new recipe to try or a new place to visit, clip text, images, or links into a note card, then save to a specific notebook. Need to save an article for future reference? With Clean View, you can save the entire article as a note card, minus the ads. Want to grab a screenshot of a web page? The 'Screenshot’ option quickly saves screenshots as a Photo Card. You can even create a note from scratch, including the option to drag images from your desktop into a note.

To download the Notebook Web Clipper for Safari, click here.

We'll continue to roll out extensions for other browsers.


Import from Evernote: Import all your notes and attachments from Evernote

Another highly requested feature has been an import from Evernote tool — gee, we wonder why. Jokes aside, we know moving sucks so we've made the process as painless as possible. You can import all your notes and attachments to Notebook on mobile or Mac. Please note: if you're importing with the Mac app you'll need to have the Evernote Mac app, as well. If you do not have the Evernote Mac app, import your notes via mobile. If you have attachments in Evernote they'll be imported pre-grouped with the relevant note.

Notable Improvements for iPad Pro and Apple Pencil

Need to take notes while browsing on your iPad Pro? Now you can. Notebook now supports Split View so you can jot notes, record audio, sketch ideas, and add files, all from within the Split View. We think the Apple Pencil is a fantastic stylus, so we've improved our palm detection and given you the option to use your finger as an eraser when you're using yours.

Notebook iPad Pro Split View 

More for Mac: Introducing Menu Bar Support

Take text and audio notes, and add photos, screenshots, and checklists, all from the Menu bar. Do it all without even needing to launch the Notebook app.

For more on our Mac app, go here.

A Few More Things

We've made some enhancements to take Notebook's sync to the next level. The Checklist Card now displays more for each checklist item. And note card creation shortcuts can be arranged based on a user's preference.

We hope you enjoy the update. Feel free to give your feedback. If you enjoy Notebook, send a tweet out, which you can do from the app, even. You can aways leave a nice review in the App Store or Play Store as well.

You'll be happy to know that our next release will include the Notebook web app. We're working hard to get it out as soon as possible.


56 Replies to Notebook 3.0: Introducing File Card, Web Clipper for Safari, Import from Evernote, and Much More

  1. Your Evernote migration tool is unavilable and the web clipper does not support tags. Also, Notebook lacks watch folders. It also lacks an option to export notes. Without the option to export all notes into a non-proprietary format, it can easily become an inescapable trap if I ever feel that it is not working for me.

  2. Hi! I just recently got your app (it's great!) but I can't open a previously created note from the menu bar. Please help because I want to write on a note that I had already made and written on while using another app but I keep having to make a new note. Is there a way to edit previously created notes on the menu bar on mac? Thanks.

    1. I have exactly the same problem, for me it removes all the value of Notebook if it is not possible to clip a webpage. Please provide a fix for this problem

  3. LMAO! I love the humor here, as well as this product. It's solid, amazing, useful and even fun to look at. And, it hasn't been around for as long as Evernote has. That's impressive, guys! Sad for *Evernote*, but hey, I use this now, so I'm pumped to see this product grow.

  4. Web clipper safari plugin doesn't seem to work. Every single time I try to clip something and click the web clipper link on the tool bar, the pop up window asks me to log in, but when I do, it doesn't open a clipper, it opens a new tab as notebook. Without proper web clipping I will have to stay with Evernote.

  5. I really like your app but unfortunately I still can not use it definitively in place of evernote. There are, in my opinion, some shortcomings that undermine perfect use: - There is no way to organize the notes, even though I arrange the cards in the order I want, they are reordered by date and time when the app is opened, making the application useless. You should have a custom sort option, for example in alphabetical order, and keep the order that is given to you. - the app on the watch lacks known search features, it is useless to only view recent notes, the user needs to be able to view the note he seeks. - Graphic card display is pretty but a later later tab is required for you to switch from one note to another with simplicity, especially when handling a large number of notes. - When you group notes you can not choose a specific cover note, and this really hurt the use. This is also a serious failure. These flaws are serious to me. If these points are not solved, I will not be able to use it as replacements for applications like evernote. I have thoroughly tested your application to give you honest feedback and help you improve. Good job.

    1. Thank you for your detailed feedback. We are working on new ways to sort and organize notes. And for these other points, I'll pass them to the team. Thanks again!

  6. I would have one feature request for the next version that shouldn't be too hard to make, and that is the ability to make outlines that can be collapsed, or expanded inside a note based on subheadings. This would help with producing large notes that would export as a single document.

  7. So far as I can tell, there is no way to sort note cards. So I carefully arrange all the cards in the order I want them, close the app... and when I reopen it, they've all been re-sorted by date and time, rendering the app functionally useless. You should have a custom sort option.

      1. Hooray! That is the only thing I don't like in the app. I've been using it for over a year and am really enjoying it. But the rearranging is incredibly irritating. Keep us posted on a fix :)

  8. Hi Taylor. Been using your web app for sometime but has just kept it in hold. Reason as compare to Evernote or Onenote it was really making me slow due to its organisational and default feature . Even a non power user frequently switch between many notes. Now as it doesn't have Multi windows or left menu-bar or pin feature it is really pain to use efficiently ( It uses popup so i am very -ve about it even in future and doubt that multi window or tab will ever come in Zoho ). Taylor you obviously have used other notes app and probably have understood what happen when their is no multi-tab. It become a SERIOUS ISSUE PARTICULARLY ON DESKTOP APP. Common this is a note app not a word app. Situation is exasperated by lack of proper organisation tool like folder, Sorting, tag. Sorting is in Notebook not in notes. I fear when my note list in notebook grows how i will find or use notes( It become more serious as Zoho uses tiles and thus have less thumbnail information ). Another issue Font type which is not interlinked to a notes rather than it is to whole app. Whenever i copy paste from web it randomly takes fonts. Its ok for me after some time( as i am a medium blog user where i uses same font everywhere and it looks great ) but it become complete mess as App does same thing for font size. Font size option should be within a notes rather than in setting which is unacceptable to any user. Another issue is Option to change font colour or Highlight it ( Font colour is even present in Medium blog ). As font colour is inalienable to good online notes i really miss it. Another suggestion as People frequently closes and open notes their should be Option( Not compulsion ) to open app in default note or Notebook rather than notebook list. It just waste so much time. I have given this feedback with lot of work and analysis and covered only critical needs which is must if Zoho has to be competitive with Onenote and Evernote( You know because of Android and Google search hegemony it is not pragmatic to make it look like and compete in segment as with Google keep ).

    1. Thank you so much for your detailed feedback. We really appreciate you taking the time to let us know what's not working for you. I've passed your feedback to the development team and we'll look at how to best address these problems. Thanks again!

  9. It sort of saddens me that you all have been promising Zoho Notebook for windows but it doesn't seem like it has been as much of a priority for you as apple products. I have been waiting on something for Windows for over a year. I love this app it is one of my favorites I just wish I could use it on my laptop.

    1. We appreciate your kind words. We're working on getting out new apps as fast as we can. We've prioritized the web app over Windows, though we certainly are going to have a Windows app at some point. The Web app will be released extremely soon. In fact, we have a whole bunch of new features about to arrive. For immediate Web app access you can email hello at and we'll provide it.

  10. The iOS apps are great, but until there is a good (not web app) Windows version I'll stick to OneNote since it works well on everything, on, or offline.

  11. Hello, I was about to switch to Notebook but I see that the sub-task, indent or child bullet points are still not supported! Please add this and I will migrate asap. Otherwise great app. Thanks

  12. When I search for something, it brings up the specific notes the word/phrase is in, but it doesn't allow me to search within a specific note. Can you add this feature?

  13. Please get the web app for PC Windows/ Chrome out .. I can't hardly wait to see it ;-) Keep up the good work .. Thanks! ;-)

  14. So happy you guys are developing this app! I've been hunting for an alternative to the elephant for a very long time (~ 3 yrs) -- never liked their privacy policy. Other apps have fallen way short. Plus it's part of the Zoho suite -- super convenient! Would love email to create note feature (unique email address is best, IMHO) but I'm sticking with Znotes. A hearty thank-you to you, Taylor, and to the entire team. =)

    1. Hey Russell, since the Mac app came out later it's behind on named versions but up-to-date in terms of functionality. Please contact our support team through the Notebook app and we'll help resolve the issue.

  15. Great app, guys. My favorite now. When is the web app gonna be launched? Is it soon? Personally, I really need it as soon as possible. Thank you for the great work. Sorry if my english has errors, is not my mother language

    1. Hey Kush, the Evernote import tool should work on Android. Make sure you have the latest version of the app, then check Settings. Let me know if it doesn't work for you.

  16. Is a Windows client in the works? Or is the intent to call the proposed web app good enough? Every competitor (onenote, simplenote, evernote, etc.) with the exception of Google keep has a native client for Windows.

    1. Hey John, we do have plans for a native Windows app. However, most people have been asking for the web app so we've made that the priority.

  17. unfortunately, bulleted lists still add a space before the 1st word on Android. Has been like this since initial release :/ Any news regarding e2e-encryption and possible Windows version? :)

    1. Hey Jakob, I'll let the team know about the bulleted list on Android. We have plans for a Windows version but we'll get the web app out first. That should be very soon. We're still working on end-to-end encryption. Our thought is to do that for all of Zoho, so it's a bigger project.

      1. Those who work on windows, we are very limited for desktop work, I hope the web version or windows, leave as soon as possible

        1. We know it's been tough, but just hang in there. The web app will be out extremely soon. You can email us at hello at and we'll provide early access.

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