
202 Replies to Celebrating 10 years of Zoho Mail with 10 Million+ business users

  1. I have used google all last 10 years as the base for my email and documents. So far, I am happy about Zoho email package and I hope you are able to do something about pricing for start-ups like me to increasingly use ALL your products! Thank you and while I am only a few months of your 10 years, I look forward to the next ten with you! Congrats and happy anniversary!

  2. Thank you for staying a private company. This keeps the customer as the focus instead of shareholders and stock market analysts. We appreciate you! From the team!

  3. "Fully satisfied with zoho mail" I was in search of using our company domain email. From many of free services, I picked zoho mail and never regret with my decision. That was the right and rational choice of mine! Millions of thanks to zoho on this auspicious day from Members. We wish you live long.... :) Keep it up ?

  4. Obrigado por existirem. Sem vocês, micro e pequenos empresários não poderiam ter acesso a uma plataforma tão intuitiva e eficiente como a de vocês. Parabéns!

  5. When you got hit with the tropical storm that wiped out your headquarters, you kept your service up without a hitch (that I could see!) even while relocating your second tier support group AND their families to tents. I was beyond impressed and proud to be associated with you as I worked with your team while hearing the wind whistle in the background!! THAT is what we mean when we in the Intermountain West of the United States tell each other to "Cowboy Up!" Keep it up you Cowboys and Cowgirls!

    1. Hey Wayne, We're delighted that you brought this up on this occasion. Those were trying times, and our team did its best to keep the Mail service up and going. It brings back memories where we, as a team, worked together to support our customers, and comments like these prove that it paid off. Thanks for your support, and keep using Zoho Mail! :D

  6. Great stuff - our decision to use Zoho has been one of the most critical choices since we opened shop. Looking forward to more from the amazing team.

  7. Thank you ZOHO for providing business-class email service, email client, features and functionalities and making it work beautifully. On behalf of the team at Scaling-Up! Ventures, we are grateful for the ZOHO Mail and platform of business applications.

  8. We are very happy with soho. We are a non profit language school in argentina and Soho has gave us the oportunity to use mail and other tools for our teachers and students. Thank you Team Soho and congratulations!

  9. I know I tell people my email address and still get confused looks which always gives me a chance to tell people how amazing your service is!

  10. I Love this entire setup - please keep it safe and dont sell it to these American jerks - keep it in your country ! Make it a bigger place then Microsoft I do belive in you guys I have been in Chennai at your place ! GOOD JOB keep it on !

  11. Congratulations !!!!!!!!Thank you Team ZOHO. let everything doubles and Let's believe in change is the Law of Progress. All the Best.

  12. Congrats!!! You are a great team. Thanks for your apps, support and excellent staff. I'm from Colombia and I recommend Zoho Apps to all my customers. Best regards!

  13. Congratulations!, I'm here as a free user (which I really appreciated) I let gmail because of the abusive use of publicity. I have about 8 years in zoho and I'm still very happy with your great service. Keep the good work. Best regards from Mexico!

  14. You started back in 2008? Wow! That was way back in the Windows XP era! When computers were USER FRIENDLY! for novice and expert alike! And that spinner didn't spin forever and then decide to never load your page! What I wouldn't give to go back to the days of system stability on the Microsoft Platform!!

  15. Congratulations Zoho, and Cheers Team Zoho. Every time I had a query it was resolved and responded to and taken care of so very well. Ever since I came to know about Zoho and more particularly Zoho mail, I have been a Zoho fan. Thank you for all you do! Thanks for being there, for us.

  16. Congratulations. I am using your services from last 4 years and love what you are doing. Heartly Congratulations from Net Route Solutions

  17. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am using your zoho mail for my startup JustPing Infotech a Surat(Gujarat) based IT Support & Services company.

  18. Thanks so much, i am very grateful from the day we started using zoho our communication has been fast and efficient. even we are trying how many diffrents zoho product usefull for our business. really we are happy from Zoho product. as per growing zoho user one day zoho will take 1st ranking in world. Happy 10th Anniversary

  19. I remember using Zoho Mail, CRM, and People in 2008. I loved it then and I love it now. Zoho has been our go-to company for over 5 years. Today, our company uses Zoho CRM, Forms, SALESIQ (couldn't live without it), Survey, Sites (Clinician Center), Mail, and DOCS. Thank you for continuously improving your products and introducing new ones.

  20. Thanks so much, am very grateful from the day we started using zoho our communication has been fast and efficient Happy 10th Anniversary

  21. We from Noveau Team & Neiv By Krisha Impex are really happy with your services and using your all products... This is just a beginning you guys will go long way...and help our company grow too using your great products...makes our life simple and doing business in a smartterway.... Best of luck team Zoho

  22. Congratulations. For me, Zoho has provided a brilliant service over many years - totally trustworthy, safe and secure. You kept your promises, and more. Thank you.

  23. Thank you for all your services for such awesome prices! We really have benefited alot from your Email services! I hope you keep growing and keep getting better and better! :D

  24. congrats for 10 yr with million users. god, bless you, guys. Its really amazing experience using Zoho services. Thanks.!!

  25. I enjoy working on most of the Zoho products, which addresses all my key areas of office. Keep churning out new things. Wishing you all the very best for future journey.

  26. I really feel good experience using Zoho Services. Many features are unique and tell us deep thoughts by the Zoho Team. My Good wishes to all the concerns and Stake holders of ZOHO Team.

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