Announcing Zoho Mail Desktop Lite Client

Get the best of both worlds.

There are times when you can’t afford distractions while communicating over email. This is especially true in the case of business emails, where the conversations are always fast-paced, and pinging email notifications are calling for your attention. 

On those days, the lure of a desktop client sitting right on your home screen to take you to your email is always stronger. Especially when you think of the diversions your other browser tabs can throw at you, interrupting your focus. 

For those of you who love both Zoho Mail and your desktop client equally, we give you... 


Zoho Mail Desktop Lite Client

Now enjoy the comfort of webmail in your desktop as an installed program. It's called 'Desktop Lite Client' for a reason?. The interface is not remodeled exclusively for the desktop but an exact replica of the webmail version for familiarity.

However, with the technical advantage of an installed application being locally hosted, this desktop lite client is a bit faster than webmail, which means less loading time while using it. Dedicated badge notifications and desktop notifications will keep you constantly updated on your emails.

If you wish to switch to webmail on other occasions, you can use the "Open in browser" option from the menu as a shortcut to opening Zoho Mail in your browser. 

Now for a new tidbit: This lite client is just a prelude to Zoho Mail’s full-fledged desktop client, which our team is building with many core functionalities! Since many of our users requested a desktop client from Zoho Mail, we hope you love using this lite version for the time being ?.


157 Replies to Announcing Zoho Mail Desktop Lite Client

  1. I read the whole thread, all I read is that the full mac version will come in a few months. Obviously time passes but the latest post about this some 3 weeks ago still speak of a few months. Surely there must have been progress... Keep reading a few months is getting old. Please check with the team and get us a solid date. This way everybody knows what to expect. Some pressure on a target date is not bad. And when we have multiple account in the mac desktop version, please make sure we have that as well in the web interface. Switching accounts is a drag and so not of this time. Please let us know what the launch date will be somewhere this week. Thanks, Mark

  2. Just wonder when the full-version of Zoho mail desktop would be available. I have several zoho email account. It would be a great help if the desktop client comes out.

    1. Hey Lucie, The full-fledged Zoho Mail Desktop Client which supports multiple accounts is still in the development stage. It will be available to you in a few months. We'll kepp you posted on updates if any :)

  3. Hello I was used to the old Interface. But I like the new one too. The only Problem ist whem I'm getting letters in russian language. The selected font Lato, does not support cyrillic letters. So it falls back to serif language and it looks not nice. If you could all some fallbacks to css like Arial and Helfetica or oher system fonts, it would look a lot nicer

    1. Hi Willi and Robbie, We are thrilled to let you know that we do support Cyrillic letters in Zoho Mail now. Go to Settings >> System >> Font family and choose Lato (Cyrillic) from the options. :)

      1. Hey Tina, Reading Willi's posting, the problem that he's having isn't with the Arial font. The problem that he's having is Zoho doesn't support Cyrillic lettering, which is used in the Russian language alphabet. The Russian alphabet, which is known as Cyrillic lettering contains 35 letters, some of which look the same as the English Latin alphabet which has 26 letters, but most are pronounced differently and sound different in Russian.

  4. Does this have offline support? Is this POP3 or IMAP? Also would the full version have offline support? Any update on the release of the full version. Thank you.

    1. Hey Colin, We don't have offline support in our Desktop Lite client. It is neither POP3 nor IMAP as it is a replica of webmail wrapped in an electron app to support it in your desktop. Regarding your queries on the full-fledged Zoho Mail Desktop Client, it is still in the development phase hence, we cannot comment on it further.

  5. Thanks a lot for building this! I have already installed. Please build support for multiple Zoho Email accounts also.

  6. Great app, congratulations! I've installed Zoho Mail Desktop Lite inside a encrypted container, so no one can access this app without a password (Windows 7). But I noticed that some files (localStorage, Cache...) are created under "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Zoho Mail - Desktop". How secure are these files? Are they useless without Zoho Mail Desktop Lite app?

    1. Hey Pedro, Zoho Mail Desktop Lite Client is Electron (framework) based, and by default, it stores the cookies, cache, and other files under the windows user's (your) AppData directory. In addition to that, Zoho Mail also caches PDF attachments, static-resources, settings under the AppData folder. So unless you share your Windows account credentials with others/public, your files are secure. We will provide clean-up options for those cached files in the future updates. For now, if you feel this is not secure enough, you can try logging out from the Desktop Lite client after each session.

  7. I've been using it since it was first released and love it. Haven't had any issues at all. Saw some posts regarding supporting multiple accounts and maybe I don't understand but I have my domain email account as well as a gmail account that I can access in Zoho Mail Desktop lite so perhaps I'm not following what multiple accounts means.

    1. Hey Stephen, Thank you for your kind words. Regarding multiple accounts, It seems you are accessing your Gmail account by configuring it as POP account 'within' ZohoMail. But what the other users are requesting is the ability to login to multiple Zoho accounts and make them accessible at the same time from the Desktop app. Unfortunately, we are not focusing towards that right now. However, it will be added in our full-fledged Desktop Client which will be available in a few months.

  8. so it was working perfect till today, now it keeps crashing and giving me an "oops message" Oops, something went wrong it seems the app quitted unexpectedly due to an unknown error. Please contact our support team for further assistance...

  9. how do i stop email notifications of this post? Following instructions at the bottom of the emails I get for managing these notifications don't do it. They still keep coming in. Advise please.

    1. Hey Elle, Please check if you have ticked the boxes requesting notifications for the follow-up comments in the blog while posting the comment, and untick it to stop receiving notification in your inbox.

  10. I have multiple zoho accounts for different websites. Can I integrate all of them in this client? Like Outlook?

    1. Hey Raajul, We don't support multiple accounts in the Desktop Lite client. You may have to wait for the full-fledged Desktop Client for Zoho Mail, that will be available in a few months.

  11. Is it possible to set the desktop client to be the default e-mail program? So when clicking on email addresses on websites, we can be directed to Zoho Mail rather than outlook/mail.

  12. I use Thunderbird as my primary e-mail interface, and I have a wide choice of free / open source software e-mail clients. I don't see myself using yet another e-mail client, especially one released under a proprietary software license. I am willing to try a FOSS e-mail client (indeed, I tried many, and continue trying new clients, but so far Thunderbird has been the best for me).

    1. Hey Faris, Unfortunately, we don't support multiple accounts on this Desktop Lite client. You may have to wait for our full-fledged desktop client which will be available in a few months.

  13. Any chance you will move other web applications to this format? I'd love to have access to some of the office tools in an offline format similar to Zoho Mail. It's one of the main reasons I've held on to Microsoft Office where Zoho is often more than what I need. Also, if there's a way to reduce the RAM and disk space used, I can see that being really helpful for people with low-end machines. Right now it's about 150 megs of RAM and 150 megs of disk space on Win7, 32-bit. I know those are limitations of the framework used, but just wanted to note that as a project goal. Thanks!

    1. Hey Webfork, We have forwarded your feedback on the desktop versions of our office suite to the respective teams. However, we have been informed that it is not in their immediate roadmap. Considering that this has been a popular request, we'll get our teams to explore developments on this front and post updates if any. Regarding the Desktop Lite client and space optimizations, if you have any performance issues please write us a mail with specific details of the issue to for us to identify and fix it for you.

        1. Hey Shivam, We realize how important it is for you to have Desktop version of our office suite, we have forwarded the request to the respective teams. However, we have been informed that it is not in their immediate roadmap. Considering that this has been a popular request, we’ll get our teams to explore developments on this front and post updates if any.

    1. Hey Tinaz, Zoho Mail Desktop Lite client is focused solely on Zoho Mail and when you try to open other Zoho applications from the Zoho apps menu it'll open it in your default browser.

    1. Hey David, Thank you for your kind words. We do not support multiple accounts in the Desktop Lite client. However, our fully-fledged Desktop Client for Zoho Mail, which will be available in a few months, will support multiple accounts.

  14. kewl beans, love that it looks exactly like the web client, familiar is good question...does it allow multiple accounts? meaning can i have more than one account on the app?

    1. Hey Amir, We are happy you like that our Desktop Lite Client resembles our webmail and are familiar with it. We do not support multiple accounts in the Lite client just like our webmail. You may have to wait for the full-fledged Desktop Client for Zoho Mail, that will be available in a few months.

    1. Hey Imre, While the Native Desktop Client for Zoho Mail is being built by our team, Zoho Mail Desktop Lite client is an Electron-based application built to equip users with a desktop solution that is similar to our web interface along with a few native quirks.

  15. Really enjoying this solution. A kind of "cache" system enclosed would be a plus; but really, with a cross platform approach, it's really good. Many thanks for your work.

    1. Hi Rajiv, We are glad you like our Desktop Lite Client. Just like in the webmail we do not support multiple accounts in this Lite client. You may have to wait for the full-fledged Desktop Client for Zoho Mail, that will be available in a few months.

  16. While trying to login into the mail app in Mac using email and password, loader runs for a while and redirects back to the login screen.

  17. This is a great Process! Please consider the adding the multiple account feature like the zoho mail mobile app. There are a lot of people that have different zoho accounts from different companies.

    1. Hey Daniel, We do not support multiple accounts feature in this Desktop Lite client. You may have to wait for the full-fledged Desktop Client for Zoho Mail, that will be available in a few months.

  18. Hopefully the full version will have multi-account support, right now it's not of much use to me vs just creating a Chrome app. I do appreciate the effort (and the fact that you support multiple platforms!) but the multi-account support for me is a must. Ideally on a single view, but if I can switch accounts without logging out that would be a step forward. Also, am I correct to assume it's going to ask me for a passcode every 180 days, since I have TFA turned on? If so, that's another annoyance that needs to go away. I'd rather create an app password and not have it bug me at inopportune times.

    1. Hey Val, We understand how important the multi-account support feature is for you. We assure you that our full-fledged Zoho Mail Desktop Client will support it, within the same screen without having to logout for account switch. However, the app being Zoho's own app will require you to refresh the code every 180 days, if you have the TFA turned on for the account. The App specific password is supported only for external apps used to configure Zoho accounts.

      1. Thanks Mary, Just to add another annoyance, every time I open it, it opens in full screen, and I have to resize it down. When I use it on a 40" screen, it's really annoying! :)

  19. Good. Also please bring-in Zoho Docs into Desktop soon. We need reliability of offline working of Zoho Docs for paid customers. MS office is too expensive & waste of money.

  20. Hi, It would be great if we are able to add multiple accounts. Also the feedback option on the client is a dead-end and doesn't work.

    1. You just hit the nail on the head with this one. Yes, you all need to add multiple account support like you all currently have with three accounts on the mail app for Android.

    2. Hi Vignesh, Just like in our webmail version, we don't support multiple accounts in the Desktop Lite client. You may have to wait for the full-fledged Desktop Client for Zoho Mail, that will be available in a few months. Regarding the issue of the Feedback option not working, please write to us at for us to troubleshoot the problem and get it fixed for you.

    1. Hey Thomas, Multiple accounts are not supported in the Desktop Lite client as of the moment. We'll inform our development team of this request and keep you posted if it will be available in the future updates based on feasibility.

  21. I am using KDE NEON - 64bits based on Ubuntu; I am not able to resize the window of the application nor maximise it in anyway. I also think that having the app for Linux as a snap image is better than dedicated distro packages. Thanks!

    1. Hey Razvan, Regarding the resize problem, please try quitting the app and relaunching it. With regards to having the Desktop Lite client as a snap image, we only have .deb installation format at the moment. We will analyse and add a few other common Linux distribution formats in upcoming updates and keep you posted on it.

    1. Hey Zoho user, We have forwarded your feedback on the desktop versions of our office suite to the respective teams. However, we have been informed that it is not in their immediate roadmap. Considering that this has been a popular request, we’ll get our teams to explore developments on this front and post updates if any.

    1. Hey Vincent, We do not have any immediate plans to develop a Lite Client for Windows 10, due to shortage of time. You may have to wait for the full-fledged Desktop Client for Zoho Mail, that will be available in a few months.

  22. I've enjoyed using your webmail interface as it has proven to be equally as capable as any of the native applications I've used previously to signing up with Zoho. Though admittedly, the lack of a desktop native application can be initially intimidating; especially when trying to suggest Zoho to someone else. This will probably be most appreciated by Free mail users who lack IMAP/POP features. I'm really happy that you're placing your efforts into this!

  23. Whereas there are several Linux distros that do not use *.deb's, it's highly recommended to use a snap (or perhaps, AppImage or Flatpak) as this is widely available to "all*" distributions.

  24. There is no older version of UI :( When I select it from menu - my browser opens. And no options to select font size. On my 27" monitor - it's so tiny.

  25. There is no older version of UI :( When I select it from menu - my browser opens. And no options to select font size. On my 27" monitor - it's so tiny.

    1. Hi Alex, The Zoho Mail Desktop Lite Client is made to reflect the current UI of Zoho Mail so we're sorry that you are unable to use the old UI in it. Regarding the resize issues try quitting and relaunching the Lite client. If the problem persists please write to us at with the detailed description of your problem for us to analyze its root cause and come up with a solution.

  26. Us users want to have multiple email accounts on Zoho, like Gmail, Yahoo, etc. Add this and your users will increase!!!!

    1. Hey Michael, Just like in our webmail version, we don’t support multiple accounts in the Desktop Lite client. You may have to wait for the full-fledged Desktop Client for Zoho Mail, that will be available in a few months.

  27. Sounds great. Will this have the ability to access multiple email accounts without having to log out and back in like the mobile app does?

    1. Hey Mike, We don't support multiple accounts as of now. We'll let the Development team take a look at this request and provide it, if feasible, in upcoming updates. We'll keep you posted on this :)

    2. I would be hoping to have the ability to either easily swap, open multiple boxes or have true mailbox delegation than just shared folders... lets hope these sort of facilities become available

    3. Really? I currently have four accounts setup and with the option to 'add more' on the Android app. Performance is smooth and notifications work perfectly for all four.

      1. Yes, it works great on Android. It's not available in Webmail, so I am hoping that this desktop version will add the multi-account feature to the desktop. :)

        1. If you use Mozilla Firefox as your web browser, you can simply tell Firefox to save your login e-mail and password for each e-mail account that you use. That's how I do it.

  28. Applause for making a linux version, and for you reading my mind from last week about using email client for my zoho mail!

  29. Hello, this is a long time I'm using ZOHO mail ... and can't use anything esle ! Thanks for the great job you do for us. :-) A Desktop client is an excellent Idea, I'll test it right now. Question : does it work offline ? the best would be to be able to write e-mails when I'm offline, in a train without connection to the internet for instance, keep all written e-mails in the InBox ... and e-mails are automatically sent as soon as I get an internet connection ... that's in it yet ? THX !! sd.

    1. Upvote this! Love Zohomail. Web client is great. Can't wait to try desktop lite (and full destop later). But no Offline seems like a big handicap.

    2. Hi Sebastien, We are glad you love using Zoho Mail and you wish to try our Desktop Lite client! We do not support Offline as of the moment but we will inform the Development team of your request and try to provide in the future updates based on feasibility.

  30. I love it! It seems to work exactly like the web app, but with a somewhat closer integration to my desktop PC. The only thing I am missing is an option to setup multiple accounts on different domains. Hope that will be part of a future release.

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