Zoho for lawyers

Robert J. Ambrogi in the 'Law Technology News' column at law.com has a nice article on how Web 2.0 can help lawyers. He writes,

Why use the Web as your platform instead of your desktop? For lawyers, the strongest reason is collaboration. Lawyers working jointly on a project -- whether across town or across continents -- derive enormous value from being able to work together in a platform- and location-neutral environment.

About the online Office suites, he has this to say :

Several companies now offer suites of office tools comparable to those you would buy for your desktop. They combine word processing, spreadsheets and graphical presentation applications.

One such suite is ThinkFree, which allows you to create Microsoft Office-compatible documents, spreadsheets and presentations.

Another, Zoho Office Suite, goes a step beyond ThinkFree. In addition to document, spreadsheet and presentation tools, it offers a "Virtual Office" of group e-mail, group and individual calendaring, document-sharing and instant messaging. Zoho's word processor and other office tools are free. Its Virtual Office is free for up to 10 users, then priced starting at $295 a year.

Thanks, Robert!


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