Track School Test Schedules using Google / Zoho Calendar + Zoho Challenge

If you're a student, you're probably using an online calendar to keep track of your homework assignments, projects and plenty of other things that are a part of your schedule in school. Tests also go hand in hand with other academic activities, and it's more important to keep track of them because you can't afford to miss them.

Tests that are scheduled in Zoho Challenge can be added to your preferred calendar in just a click of a button. A test administrator can schedule a test at a specified time interval and add candidates using their email addresses, as you can see below:

As a candidate for the test, you will immediately receive an email with a link to the test. The email will also show the scheduled time and in addition, the test duration. 

Now that you've glanced over all of the information, you don't want to forget it, right? Just click on the appropriate link to add the test to Google Calendar/Zoho Calendar from the bottom of the email message:


You'll now be taken to the calendar of your choice where you can add the event. You can choose to get reminded of the event via email or SMS (in Google Calendar). You will never miss an online test thanks to these reminders. 

That is not all. If you are a professor or test administrator, you can create a public calendar listing the tests along with classes. Encourage your students to subscribe to the calendar(s). Once subscribed, these events appear in your own calendar and you can stay abreast with happenings across your study circle. The following screenshots illustrate how you can subscribe to a public calendar in Zoho and Google Calendar.

In Google Calendar, all you need to do is hit the 'Add to URL' option in the bottom right and paste the calendar's address in the pop in window that appears.

In Zoho Calendar, go to 'Settings' > 'Subscribe to' and add the calendar URL, and hit 'Subscribe'

Keeping track of tests, we bet, was never this easy. If you've got questions, please feel free to approach us in the forum . We'll respond as quick as we can!


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