Fake Office: The Tweets, The Website... The Movie?

Wow - Thanks! We are overwhelmed by the support everyone showed us on Twitter and elsewhere after Microsoft called us "fake".

For example, Vinnie Mirchandani at Deal Architect said:

If this is fake, give us plenty more

Tim O'Reilly also tweeted about it:

The question is, what do you do when the 800-lbs gorilla in the industry calls you a fake? Well, we've come up with a checklist

  • Blog about it - Check
  • Tweet about it - Check
  • Make a website about it - Check (We just uploaded the Fake Office 2.0 version)
  • Make a movie about it - ?
Yeah, we realized this morning that we were missing that movie part. So we made Fake Office - The Movie. It's a musical documentary about life in the 21st century with the "non-fake" Office and the "Fake" Office. Pay attention! There's even a cameo apperance by your favorite "non-fake" Office feature, Clippy. Here you go:

Now, seriously... want to see how real the fake office is? Sign up now. Takes less than 20 seconds.


18 Replies to Fake Office: The Tweets, The Website... The Movie?

  1. People at Zoho really do a great job! I see your fakeoffice.gov 2.0. You really followed the suggestions from a user reading your blog post. That's really fast. The only pity is I can't see your movie.

  2. People at Zoho really do a great job! I see your fakeoffice.gov 2.0. You really followed the suggestions from a user reading your blog post. That's really fast. The only pity is I can't see your movie.

  3. The hair on Microsoft's back is up. Microsoft is very threatened by Zoho, as they should be! Zoho doesn't have to deal with the legacy baggage, and can more easily move to where the puck is going.

  4. The hair on Microsoft's back is up. Microsoft is very threatened by Zoho, as they should be! Zoho doesn't have to deal with the legacy baggage, and can more easily move to where the puck is going.

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