Zoho Wiki: Introducing Trial Version, Export/Import and Newer Themes

New Trial Version
If you are a Zoho Wiki user subscribed to the free plan, you can now test drive the more feature-rich Basic plan for free. All you have to do is log on to your Zoho Wiki account and click on Help -> Pricing at the top-right.

You'll be taken to the pricing page with the prominent 'Let me try the 1 month trial version of Basic plan' at the top.

We are offering this one month free trial of the $12 Basic plan without you furnishing details of your credit card. And taking this trial plan will allow you to test the Custom Domain feature. That is, allow you map your domain to your Zoho wiki. And of course you have other options like creating 5 wikis and having 250 MB of attachment space.

Export/Import Wiki
Click on Wiki -> Settings and you will see the Export/Import option.

The export option allows you to take all your wiki contents (including embedded images, file attachments and comments) as a zip file whenever you need. And you can import the contents back (say copying it all to another Zoho Wiki) if need be. Going forward, we would be giving import function from other Wikis.

Newer Themes
In the menu Wiki -> Settings -> Wiki Themes, you have a variety of readymade themes to choose from. Recently added to the mix are two new themes in the Nature category - Green Valley and Penguins. The specialty of these two themes is that they are of fixed width (960px).

Give Zoho Wiki a try.


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