Zoho Viewer + Google Translate = Document Translation

I saw a tweet from Ken Huang recently and found it interesting.

Zoho Viewer + Google Translate = http://tinyurl.com/r4697v http://ff.im/3kDch


is very cool. If you have document you want to quickly view, Zoho Viewer works perfectly well. It is like TinyURL for documents. But in cases where the content of the document is in a

different language, you can upload the document to Zoho Viewer and input

that URL in Google Translate to convert the contents of the document to

any language.

Here is a Zoho Writer document in Zoho Viewer and here is the translated version in Japanese.

Thanks for the tip Ken.


4 Replies to Zoho Viewer + Google Translate = Document Translation

  1. Unfortunatelly this combination is no longer posible ever since Zoho Viewer added the options bar. This blocked the Google Translator access to the document. Now the only thing it translates is the options menu.

  2. Unfortunatelly this combination is no longer posible ever since Zoho Viewer added the options bar. This blocked the Google Translator access to the document. Now the only thing it translates is the options menu.

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