Last year, we enabled users to sign-in to Zoho using Google or Yahoo accounts. This was very well received and a good percentage of our users use this option to login to Zoho. We are now extending this option to Google
Apps. Thanks to recent enhancements to Google Apps sign-in, users can now login to Zoho using Google Apps credentials.
When you try to login to Zoho, you'll notice a new 'Google Apps' option in the sign-in box. This option is now available in all Zoho Apps. If you are a Google Apps user, you can choose this option to sign-in to
Once you provide your Google Apps domain name, you'll be redirected to Google to sign-in using your Google Apps credentials. Once you authorize, you'll be logged in to Zoho directly.

If you are logging in to Zoho for the first time using your Google Apps account, you'll be asked to choose a Zoho username. This option appears only for the first time you login.

We believe this sign-in level integration will allow businesses use Google Apps and Zoho Business Apps seamlessly.
While we compete with Google on some applications like productivity suite & email, we offer a broad range of business applications which complement Google Apps. Our business applications include Zoho CRM, Invoice, Meeting, Projects, Creator & more. With over 1 Million Businesses using Google Apps, the ability for these business' users to sign-in to Zoho using their existing Google Apps credentials gives seamless single sign-on access to all Zoho Applications which complement Google Apps.
All Zoho Business Apps have good free versions (not trial versions, but actual free versions). Please do give our business apps a try and see how they compliment Google Apps. If you already use Zoho Business Apps alongside Google Apps, please share your story with other Zoho users.
[Note : The Google Federated Login Service is disabled by default for Google Apps Premier and Education Editions. The domain admin can enable it as mentioned at OpenID-based Federated Login for Google Apps. ]
@yangjianliYes, it does support Google Apps Standard Edition.
@yangjianliYes, it does support Google Apps Standard Edition.
Does it support google apps standard edition?
Does it support google apps standard edition?
When will Zoho's openid implementation be expanded to other providers, e.g. MyOpenID?
When will Zoho's openid implementation be expanded to other providers, e.g. MyOpenID?
Thanks a lot for your enthusiastic feedback.Please find my clarifications below,A) Google apps signin does support Google apps standard edition users by default. (Refer the Note made at the end of the blog post).B) We are already looking at leveraging OAuth based authorization for exposing user data across Zoho services. It will available in our forthcoming updates.
Thanks a lot for your enthusiastic feedback.Please find my clarifications below,A) Google apps signin does support Google apps standard edition users by default. (Refer the Note made at the end of the blog post).B) We are already looking at leveraging OAuth based authorization for exposing user data across Zoho services. It will available in our forthcoming updates.
well, that's a great news for us... nice idea, thank you.
well, that's a great news for us... nice idea, thank you.
I think This is not gonna work in Google Apps standard edition.
I think This is not gonna work in Google Apps standard edition.
Great job guys, Zoho is one of the very best OpenID reference sites.
Great job guys, Zoho is one of the very best OpenID reference sites.
Any plans for OAuth support for Zoho Creator applications?That will put Zoho apps in a leadership position. And be more widely usable.Thanks in advance.
Any plans for OAuth support for Zoho Creator applications?That will put Zoho apps in a leadership position. And be more widely usable.Thanks in advance.
Awesome! I love this idea.
Awesome! I love this idea.