Zoho Creator Goes Mobile!

Few days back we had announced the availability of APIs for Zoho Creator and here is another announcement from our Creator team as part of our continuous updates.

We are glad to announce the availability of Zoho Creator Mobile version. You can access it @ http://creator.zoho.com/mobile or http://creator.zoho.com/m from your mobile. In fact, if you visit http://creator.zoho.com from your mobile phone, you'll be directed to this page.

With this update, you'll now be able to access all your applications created in Zoho Creator from your mobile devices. You can also access the applications shared with you. This means you can now view and enter data into your applications right from your mobile.

Zoho Creator Goes Mobile

Zoho Creator Mobile supports mobile devices with any of the following browsers :

  • IE
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • other WAP Browsers

Zoho Creator's interface has been optimized to work well in iPhone also.

Zoho Creator now has over 60K applications created by our users and is gaining momentum at a rapid pace with over 0.5 million users using the applications created using Zoho Creator. A short promo video from our team on the release.

And this is what Erich Hugo, Business Innovation Manager at Nokia had to say, "This is great stuff guys. I have just created a form and it worked like a charm. I am sitting in a cab and have just checked it out. Well done. "

Check out Zoho Creator on your mobile phone (as well as on your laptop/desktop) now & do let us know your feedback.


12 Replies to Zoho Creator Goes Mobile!

  1. @NorpacSorry for the trouble you had faced. There is an issue on our side when you sign in at http://creator.zoho.com/mobile in the iphone. Thanks for notifying about this. We will look into it and fix it at the earliest.And there is already a limitation for views when you access through zoho.com . It will be quite small when you access through iPhone. We will also fix this soon.Muthu
    Zoho Creator Team

  2. @NorpacSorry for the trouble you had faced. There is an issue on our side when you sign in at http://creator.zoho.com/mobile in the iphone. Thanks for notifying about this. We will look into it and fix it at the earliest.And there is already a limitation for views when you access through https://www.zoho.com/ . It will be quite small when you access through iPhone. We will also fix this soon.Muthu
    Zoho Creator Team

  3. EVERYTIME I try to sign in at creator.zoho.com/mobile with my iPhone I get a blank white screen. It works fine on my WinMo device and I've tried it on a blackberry and that worked.Also, you izoho is functional but the creator content is DEFINATELY NOT mobile. Viewpoint is way off. What's going on?

  4. EVERYTIME I try to sign in at creator.zoho.com/mobile with my iPhone I get a blank white screen. It works fine on my WinMo device and I've tried it on a blackberry and that worked.Also, you izoho is functional but the creator content is DEFINATELY NOT mobile. Viewpoint is way off. What's going on?

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