Zoho at the University of Virginia

The teachers/students at the University of Virginia are finding the Office trio of Zoho useful. They have multiple posts on us. (in fact they have separate categories created for Sheet, Show & Writer!). There was this post asking for comments about Zoho (and BubbleShare) and some of comments given there :

Leigh Says:

I can’t wait to introduce my English classes to Zoho writer In the past, we have had so many problems with saving the student’s work; using zoho tools, students will no longer need to panic when they discover that their computer does not have a compatible drive or that their disk is not functioning! I liked the appealing layout of Zoho writer and the capacity to track changes made to documents. I also love that the Zoho programs make work between home and school a breeze!

emilym Says:

I really like the Zoho programs. Zoho Writer would be very easy for me to use in Chemistry because I have to type many chemical formulas and equations and it gets tiresome trying to do subscripts and superscripts over and over. Zoho writer has buttons right there! Zoho Sheet would also be useful because I often use Excel and this would allow me to send my spreadsheets and graphs to colleagues instead of printing them out and making many copies. Zoho Show is nice, but I’m so used to PowerPoint that I don’t know if I could switch

Amy Mallow Says:

The Zoho features are pretty interesting. Like I said for the seedwiki, it would have been a useful tool for us in the last class where we shared our writing, made comments, and suggested changes. With the ZohoWriter, we would have been able to highlight the areas we were suggesting changes to be made, and we would not have had to send out numerous emails with lots of attachments. I’m thinking about trying the ZohoShow with my summer school students. I’ll let you know how it goes!

Katie Says:

Zoho is nice because the features are accessible from any computer, and you don’t have to worry about having your memory stick or disk. I like that you can share with others, too, on all of these sites (and choose the people you do so with).

Bland Says:

The Zoho Writer will be very useful in my class. We do not have Word on every computer in our school so this tool is very helpful for publishing.

Anika Armistead Says:

I think the Zoho programs are neat. I liked the ability to create the charts and graphs on ZohoSheet and then share them with other students. I can see this working great with our Pre-IB Chemistry classes and Pre-IB Algebra 2 classes that often share data on labs and projects where they analyze data.

It gives us immense satisfaction & pride knowing that Zoho is reaching the student community & serving them well :-)


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