Tricks, Treats and Halloween: A time to let go of fear!

Gearing up your business for Halloween? Most business-owners use this time to carve out pumpkins, stock up on holiday goodies and treats, create Halloween deals and offers to lure customers – all in the ‘spirit’ of the season.

But Halloween can be more than just that.

It can be about learning to overcome fears – especially those that keep us from building a better business. If you’re living with such fears: Halloween is a good time to treat yourself, by tricking the worst fears out of your mind.


Networking and connecting with people. Businesses are about people doing business with other people. If you’re afraid to go out and meet new people or to talk to existing customers and get to know them better, you might be losing out on opportunities to build and nurture business relationships.

We now live in a connected age where in-person meetings are only one of the ways to connect with people. There’s also email, chat, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and… well, you get the drift. Communicating online can be much less intimidating, so don’t be afraid to connect and interact with everyone who matters for your business. Unless of course, you happen to be afraid of such communication tools. In which case, my next point is for you.

1.2Trying new tools and technology. Because we fear drastic changes that may come with new tools, some of us continue to stick to archaic methods that may have long outlived their utility. However, if you’re already a Zoho customer, then you probably don’t live with such a fear or may have overcome it already. Congratulations, and you may skip the next two paragraphs!

It’s time to break out of that safety net and try some new business tools. You really have nothing to lose. Except maybe, the inefficiencies that come from resisting new tech. So, Once you get used to these tools and their benefits, you’ll wonder how you managed without them in the first place.

And hey, shameless plug: If you’re wondering where to begin, check out some of our apps: business emailCRM, online invoicingemail marketing and an online office suite are the basics to start with!

1.3Managing business finances. Managing the accounting process for your business can give you a lot of control over your finances and help you in making informed business decisions. If lack of accounting knowledge or fear of dealing with numbers sends shivers down your spine, try overcoming this fear by using an online accounting tool that simplifies the process and lets you learn as you go along. (shameless plug #2: Zoho Books!)


Competition. Some of us live in perpetual fear of the competition, constantly worrying about what their next move might be. We end up spending so much time worrying that we forget to focus on the one thing that can help us stay ahead of them – building a better product or service for customers. The best way to get this fear out of your head is by channelizing your energies back to areas that can help improve your product or service offering.

Now, If you’re still reading this post, it’s likely that you can identify with at least one of the fears I listed. Remember, it’s up to you to choose not to be haunted by them any more. All you have to do is understand your fears better and then you can fight them.

Oh and Happy trick-or-treating!


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