Three successful techniques to engage “one-on-one” with visitors of your content

You’ve got tons of content, and people are consuming it, but
you’re not talking to them at the point of consumption, which would be the best
time to launch them through your sales pipeline.

At the CRM Evolution Conference in New York City, I chatted
with Kate Leggett, a Senior Analyst with

She covers the area of customer service and call center processes serving
business process professionals.

In our interview, Leggett offered three techniques for
connecting readers of your content with your CRM system:

  1. Authenticate site access
    If you require people to log in to get access to your content, you can see from
    their session history the pieces of content they looked at and interacted with.

  2. Pushing a chat box
    If you don’t have someone logged in, you’re going to have to reach out to
    connect. If they delay on a content page push a chat box notification and ask
    if they have any questions.

    Make contact really easy
    Around every piece of content, make connecting via phone, email, or chat
    extremely easy and encouraged.


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