That thing we're launching... (integration, MS import and a screenshot)

One of the features I love about this thing we're launching soon is how many other Zoho services it incorporates into one cool package of unrestrained productivity. And... no, it's not just a pricing bundle where we give you a number of disparate thing for one set price.

It goes beyond that. Anyway, I was just counting how many other Zoho services it integrates under one roof - no less than 5! It's actually more than that, but I won't go into details.

You might remember last week we announced the ground-breaking Zoho Office for SharePoint - which lets users store their documents in SharePoint while editing and collaborating on them with Zoho. A lot of customers, media and bloggers liked that idea. Well, this thing (that we're releasing before you leave for your 4th of July weekend) also integrates with another popular Microsoft product.

As an added bonus, here's what a screenshot of this new thing looks like:

Yeah, of course it's broken into big, 38-pixel mossaics so as to not give it away so easily. Gotta love that Photoshop.

But, if you squint your eyes and look at it for 5 minutes without blinking, the whole thing will appear in 3-D before your eyes - like those posters that were popular in the 80s (90s?). Oh, who a I kidding? I was never able to see one of those autostereograms - to this day I still think they are a cruel joke.

But I digressed. You might think that screenshot doesn't give out any info. Well, it does! Some of the things that people were guessing are not supported by this screenshot. Also... read carefully!



32 Replies to That thing we're launching... (integration, MS import and a screenshot)

  1. I'm starting to think it looks like a MS Office Sharepoint Server (MOSS) page. So this would be an extension of the recently announced Windows SharePoint Services offering by Zoho. So it's Zoho Analytics, Mail, Sheet, Show, Writer and maybe a few more. That would be too bad, since MOSS is soooo not Web 2. In fact, I now call it SharePunt due to my general dissatisfaction. I was really hoping for a toolbar or desktop offering :(

  2. I'm starting to think it looks like a MS Office Sharepoint Server (MOSS) page. So this would be an extension of the recently announced Windows SharePoint Services offering by Zoho. So it's Zoho Analytics, Mail, Sheet, Show, Writer and maybe a few more. That would be too bad, since MOSS is soooo not Web 2. In fact, I now call it SharePunt due to my general dissatisfaction. I was really hoping for a toolbar or desktop offering :(

  3. Zoho Cloud ?
    Zoho Desktop ?
    Zoho Start Page ? (similar to iGoogle, Netvibes)
    Zoho Black/White board ?
    Zoho add-on for browser(s) (Toolbar) ?
    Zoho plug-in for MS-Office ?
    Zoho plug-in for VB, .Net ...?Sivakumar.

  4. Zoho Cloud ?
    Zoho Desktop ?
    Zoho Start Page ? (similar to iGoogle, Netvibes)
    Zoho Black/White board ?
    Zoho add-on for browser(s) (Toolbar) ?
    Zoho plug-in for MS-Office ?
    Zoho plug-in for VB, .Net ...?Sivakumar.

  5. I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but I wonder if this keen new thing is timed to coincide somewhat with the launch of Firefox 3.5, which is out now. I've been using the beta versions for a while, but haven't gone for the final version yet. Google Gears did not work in FF 3.5, which meant offline use of Zoho was not possible. Although Google claims a compatible version of Gears is coming soon.Although, if the launch of Zoho's new product is around lunchtime, I'm still willing to place my bets on cheeseburgers. If it isn't, I may go have a cheeseburger anyway in celebration :)

  6. I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but I wonder if this keen new thing is timed to coincide somewhat with the launch of Firefox 3.5, which is out now. I've been using the beta versions for a while, but haven't gone for the final version yet. Google Gears did not work in FF 3.5, which meant offline use of Zoho was not possible. Although Google claims a compatible version of Gears is coming soon.Although, if the launch of Zoho's new product is around lunchtime, I'm still willing to place my bets on cheeseburgers. If it isn't, I may go have a cheeseburger anyway in celebration :)

  7. Jayanth -Well, we haven't been commenting on guesses... but most of them are real good, and if they haven't hit the nail on the head, at least they have given us some good ideas about what people want :)I just thought it was important to let the world know that we're not releasing Zoho-branded hamburgers nor a client-side server :)Rodrigo

  8. Jayanth -Well, we haven't been commenting on guesses... but most of them are real good, and if they haven't hit the nail on the head, at least they have given us some good ideas about what people want :)I just thought it was important to let the world know that we're not releasing Zoho-branded hamburgers nor a client-side server :)Rodrigo

  9. Hi Rodrigo,
    You did not comment on the post from R Rajkumar. Did you carefully side step it? So it is one of "one Note" - or Zoho Notebook or Project - is it??
    Somehow I think it is an attempt at facebook... there are too many colors on that mosaic - tempting me to think photos...Or... coming to think of it.. have you given more life to wiki and made it a proper web site builder? Cant think of something like flikr though - why would zoho build one?

  10. Hi Rodrigo,
    You did not comment on the post from R Rajkumar. Did you carefully side step it? So it is one of "one Note" - or Zoho Notebook or Project - is it??
    Somehow I think it is an attempt at facebook... there are too many colors on that mosaic - tempting me to think photos...Or... coming to think of it.. have you given more life to wiki and made it a proper web site builder? Cant think of something like flikr though - why would zoho build one?

  11. Looks a bit like Gmail. So, what about this:Zoho convinced Google that Gmail doesn’t rock and bought Gmail for $100 (plus tax lol). Within 2 hours, the Zoho team was able to create folders and removed the silly beta tag. Not it’s zMail.zMail will be a mix of Instant Messaging, eMail and it integrates a high tech web server (like the one of Opera LOL couldn’t resist LOL) that allows you to access: THE INTERNET FROM YOUR WEB BROWSER.Close... ? :D

  12. Looks a bit like Gmail. So, what about this:Zoho convinced Google that Gmail doesn’t rock and bought Gmail for $100 (plus tax lol). Within 2 hours, the Zoho team was able to create folders and removed the silly beta tag. Not it’s zMail.zMail will be a mix of Instant Messaging, eMail and it integrates a high tech web server (like the one of Opera LOL couldn’t resist LOL) that allows you to access: THE INTERNET FROM YOUR WEB BROWSER.Close... ? :D

  13. Hugo -Not at all! There's a real announcement behind this. And when you see the screenshots, that picture that I posted will make sense :)Rodrigo

  14. Hugo -Not at all! There's a real announcement behind this. And when you see the screenshots, that picture that I posted will make sense :)Rodrigo

  15. Allen -Wow, first time someone has ever threatened 'physical violence' because of my posts :) ... and I'm not even a journalist doing an expose of some powerful dictator. I now consider myself part of an elite!Rodrigo

  16. Allen -Wow, first time someone has ever threatened 'physical violence' because of my posts :) ... and I'm not even a journalist doing an expose of some powerful dictator. I now consider myself part of an elite!Rodrigo

  17. Can you give us "OneNote" on what "Project" it is ?!(I mean it is either "OneNote / Project", both of which have better scope for embedding/integrating other services)

  18. Can you give us "OneNote" on what "Project" it is ?!(I mean it is either "OneNote / Project", both of which have better scope for embedding/integrating other services)

  19. Rodrigo:
    Is this a new form of make marketing?
    Is it the best way to catch our attention?
    I spent a few moments looking at the picture.
    If this is a joke, it is a bad one. If not, sorry for these words.

  20. Rodrigo:
    Is this a new form of make marketing?
    Is it the best way to catch our attention?
    I spent a few moments looking at the picture.
    If this is a joke, it is a bad one. If not, sorry for these words.

  21. You know, on CSI they could just “enhance” the image a zillion times and see a clear picture of its content. Alas!

  22. You know, on CSI they could just “enhance” the image a zillion times and see a clear picture of its content. Alas!

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